Arterial Model and Simulation Domain
This item contains the arterial model and the simulation domain for the blood flow simulations performed in the paper titled "Uncertainty Quantification of the Impact of... -
Supplementary Code for "Uncertainty Quantification of the Impact of Periphera...
This is supplementary code of the paper titled "Uncertainty Quantification of the Impact of Peripheral Arterial Disease on Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms in Blood Flow Simulations"... -
Voxeliser and Simulation Code for "Uncertainty Quantification of the Impact o...
These are the original codes of the voxeliser (HemePure_tools) and fluid flow solver (HemePure) used to perform the blood flow simulations described in the paper titled... -
Campaigns of Uncertainty Quantification
This item contains the campaigns of the uncertainty quantification described in the paper titled "Uncertainty Quantification of the Impact of Peripheral Arterial Disease on... -
Supplementary Text for "Uncertainty Quantification of the Impact of Periphera...
This is supplementary text of the paper titled "Uncertainty Quantification of the Impact of Peripheral Arterial Disease on Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms in Blood Flow Simulations"... -
Processing Tools for HemeLB Simulations
This repository contains the pre-processing and post-processing tools used in the simulations described in the referenced paper. Here FiveExit and ProfundaFemoris2 refer to the... -
Supplementary Figures
This document presents additional figures supporting the analysis given in the main text of the referenced paper. Here we show the effects of the capacitance (C) and grid... -
Version: Wolfram Mathematica Student Edition Platform: Mac OS X x86 (64-bit) Code 1: RSPA-2020-0874R1_Cooling stages.nb This file contains the code for... -
Vascular Models
These are the five-outlets model and the profunda femoris model used in the referenced paper. The five-outlets model is composed by joining five identical short pipes and a...