Spin-polarized electron states at the interface of EuO and 3d transition meta...
The objective of this experiment is the study and characterization of spin-polarized electron states at the interface of EuO and 3d transition metal oxides. EuO is a... -
Investigation of ZnO termination effects in Fe3O4/ZnO heterostructures for al...
This proposal aims to investigate Fe3O4/ZnO and their suitability as spintronic devices. Specifically we aim to investigate the influence of the ZnO termination state on the... -
PNR measurements of the induced magnetisation in nanocarbon.
Nanocarbon materials such as C60 show fascinating transport properties when in contact with a ferromagnet. Previous results indicate that this could be due to a spin polarized... -
Magnetic Proximity Effects in Ferromagnetic-Superconducting Spin Valves
The recent experimental verification of the unique odd-frequency spin triplet superconductivity in artificial thin film ferromagnetic-superconducting structures is likely to... -
Study of change in magnetic momentum in Ni/NiO/Ni structures
NiO has useful electronic, magnetic and catalytic properties. It is also used in creation of OxRRAM¿s, that are considered as a better alternative to Flash memory due its... -
The Superconducting Ferromagnetic Metamaterials (SFM) consortium