Residual stress depth profiling in the vicinity of indentation in high-streng...
The proposed experiment aims to map the residual stresses in the interior of 5 - 14 mm thick steel plates of two types of high-strength martensite steel using neutron... -
Residual Strain Scanning of Medieval double-edged sword from the Royal Armouries
The European Medieval double-edged sword develops in the 11th century from the Viking Age sword. Already in the 10th century, some of the finest examples of the Ulfberht type of... -
Residual strain measurements after cold expansion prior and after thermo-mech...
Previous measurements on ENGIN-X (RB1710155) performed on samples with different residual stress states after cold expansion gave good correlations between numerical and... -
Investigation of compressive residual stresses induced by ultrasonic peening ...
Surface stress engineering processes aim to improve the life of components through the generation of favorable compressive residual stress fields by locally plastically... -
Evaluation of residual stresses in cold sprayed titanium alloy for repair app...
Aircraft structural components are complex and expensive due to their manufacturing process complexities and use of high-performance materials. Aerospace components are...