313 datasets found

Keywords: ultraviolet photometry

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  • UV-Optical light curves of the SNIa iPTF14bdn

    We present ultraviolet (UV) and optical photometry and spectra of the 1999aa-like supernova (SN) iPTF14bdn. The UV data were observed using the Swift Ultraviolet/Optical...
  • Deep GALEX NUV survey of the Kepler field. I.

    We report observations of a deep near-ultraviolet (NUV) survey of the Kepler field made in 2012 with the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) Complete All-Sky UV Survey Extension...
  • Local Star Formation effects on type Ia SNe

    Recent studies found a correlation with ~3{sigma} significance between the local star formation measured by GALEX in SN Ia host galaxies and the distances or dispersions derived...
  • UV mag of candidate galaxies at 3~<z~<8.5

    We present a robust measurement and analysis of the rest-frame ultraviolet (UV) luminosity functions at z=4-8. We use deep Hubble Space Telescope imaging over the Cosmic...
  • RESOLVE survey photometry catalog

    We present custom-processed ultraviolet, optical, and near-infrared photometry for the REsolved Spectroscopy of a Local VolumE (RESOLVE) survey, a volume-limited census of...
  • Asteroids in GALEX

    We present ultraviolet (UV) photometry (near-UV (NUV) band, 180-280nm) of 405 asteroids observed serendipitously by GALEX from 2003 to 2012. All asteroids in this sample were...
  • UV counterparts in HI clouds using ALFA surveys

    We present ultraviolet (UV) follow-up of a sample of potential dwarf galaxy candidates selected for their neutral hydrogen (HI) properties, taking advantage of the low UV...
  • SN2014J Swift/UVOT light curves

    We present optical and ultraviolet (UV) photometry and spectra of the very nearby and highly reddened supernova (SN) 2014J in M82 obtained with the Swift Ultra-Violet/Optical...
  • GALEX NUV observations of bright M-type stars

    Planets orbiting within the close-in habitable zones of M dwarf stars will be exposed to elevated high-energy radiation driven by strong magnetohydrodynamic dynamos during...
  • Type Ia supernova 2011de UVOT photometry

    We present and discuss the ultraviolet (UV)/optical photometric light curves and absolute magnitudes of the Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) 2011de from the Swift Ultraviolet/Optical...
  • HST-COS UV spectra observations of AGNs

    The ionizing fluxes from quasars and other active galactic nuclei (AGNs) are critical for interpreting their emission-line spectra and for photoionizing and heating the...
  • UV-continuum slopes beta for z~4-8 galaxies

    We measure the UV-continuum slope {beta} for over 4000 high-redshift galaxies over a wide range of redshifts z~4-8 and luminosities from the HST HUDF/XDF, HUDF09-1, HUDF09-2,...
  • GV galaxies UV-optical radial color profiles

    In this Letter, we analyze the radial ultraviolet-optical color distributions in a sample of low redshift green valley galaxies, with the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX)+Sloan...
  • Galaxies near NGC 891 properties

    We report the results of a survey of the region within 40 arcmin of NGC 891, a nearby nearly perfectly edge-on spiral galaxy. Candidate "non-stars" with diameters greater than...
  • Multiwavelength survey of HII regions in NGC 300

    We present the results of a galaxy-wide study of molecular gas and star formation in a sample of 76 H II regions in the nearby spiral galaxy NGC 300. We have measured the...
  • UV and IR properties for galaxies

    Variations in the attenuation law have a significant impact on observed spectral energy distributions for galaxies. As one important observational property for galaxies at...
  • UVOT photometry of Super-Chandrasekhar mass SNe Ia

    Among Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia), a class of overluminous objects exist whose ejecta mass is inferred to be larger than the canonical Chandrasekhar mass. We present and discuss...
  • z~1 Ly{alpha} emitters. I. 135 candidates from GALEX

    We construct a flux-limited sample of 135 candidate z~1 Ly{alpha} emitters (LAEs) from Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) grism data using a new data cube search method. These...
  • Photometry of LBGs, LAEs and GNBs at z~2.85

    We present results from a survey for z~2.85 Lyman-continuum (LyC) emission in the HS1549+1933 field and place constraints on the amount of ionizing radiation escaping from...
  • Kinematic and HI data for the NFGS

    We relate transitions in galaxy structure and gas content to refueling, here defined to include both the external gas accretion and the internal gas processing needed to renew...
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