Table 2. Selected electron microprobe analyses of mineral phases in the Eltan...
Analyses are in wt% and formula compositions in mol%. -
Table 1. Mass and estimated composition of Eltanin meteorite particles >1 mg ...
Particle types are estimated based on surface textures and colors and have not been confirmed for samples not studied in polished section (see text). Labels in parentheses... -
Table 7: Net fluence estimates for Iridium and meteoritic ejecta debris depos...
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Table 6: Iridium concentrations measured by RNAA in sediments from Polarstern...
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Table 6: Iridium concentrations measured by RNAA in sediments from Polarstern...
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Table 6: Iridium concentrations measured by RNAA in sediments from Polarstern...
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Table 5: Relative proportions of vesicular impact melt and unmelted meteorite...
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Table 4: Iridium, Gold, and Chromium concentrations measured in sediments fro...
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Table 3: Iridium, Gold, and Chromium concentrations measured in sediments fro...
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Table 2: Iridium, Gold, and Chromium concentrations measured in sediments fro...
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(Table 4) Annual fluxes, percentages of total mass and most important element...
Note that the values for particular years were given, not for the entire sampling periods (Table 1). For 1992 (PF5) and 1994 (PF7), no full annual cycle was available. The flux... -
(Tab.2) K-Ar age determination of dredged basalt samples at station PS2693-1
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(Tab.1) Major and rare earth element concentrations of dredged basalt samples...
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(Table A3) Abundance of nannofossil marker species and morphotypes in sedimen...
Relative abundances of taxa or morphotypes were estimated as follows: V = very abundant (>50%), A = abundant (>20 <50%), C = common (>10 <20%), F = few (>1... -
(Table A5) Abundance of nannofossil marker species and morphotypes in sedimen...
Relative abundances of taxa or morphotypes were estimated as follows: V = very abundant (>50%), A = abundant (>20 <50%), C = common (>10 <20%), F = few (>1... -
(Table A4) Abundance of nannofossil marker species and morphotypes in sedimen...
Relative abundances of taxa or morphotypes were estimated as follows: V = very abundant (>50%), A = abundant (>20 <50%), C = common (>10 <20%), F = few (>1... -
(Table 4) Calcareous nannofossil events and their calibtarion to isotope stag...
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(Table 4) Calcareous nannofossil events and their calibtarion to isotope stag...
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(Table 4) Calcareous nannofossil events in sediment core PS2703-1 from the Pa...
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(Table 2) Stable oxygen isotope record of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma sinistr...
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