313 datasets found

Keywords: ultraviolet photometry

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  • Photometric redshifts in the EGOODS-North field

    We present deep J- and H-band images in the extended Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey-North field covering an area of 0.22deg^2^. The observations were taken using WIRCam...
  • Swift optical & UV flux of four AGNs

    Swift intensive accretion disk reverberation mapping of four AGN yielded light curves sampled ~200-350 times in 0.3-10keV X-ray and six UV/optical bands. Uniform reduction and...
  • Swift obs. of Mrk 421 in selected epochs. II.

    We present the results from a detailed spectral and timing study of Mrk 421 based on the rich archival Swift data obtained during 2009-2012. Best fits of the 0.3-10keV spectra...
  • Multiwavelength catalog in the SEP field. II.

    For a sample of star-forming galaxies in the redshift interval 0.15<z<0.3, we study how both the relative strength of the active galactic nucleus (AGN) infrared emission,...
  • Low surface brightness galaxies from HSC-SSP

    We present a catalog of extended low surface brightness galaxies (LSBGs) identified in the Wide layer of the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program (HSC-SSP). Using the...
  • Swift observations of Mrk 421. I. 2005-2008

    We present detailed results of Swift observations of the nearby TeV-detected blazar Mrk 421, based on the rich archival data obtained during 2005 March-2008 June. The best fits...
  • Light curves of 2 Seyfert 1 galaxies

    We present optical continuum lags for two Seyfert 1 galaxies, MCG+08-11-011 and NGC 2617, using monitoring data from a reverberation mapping campaign carried out in 2014. Our...
  • UV-NIR obs. compilation of GW170817 counterpart

    We present the first effort to aggregate, homogenize, and uniformly model the combined ultraviolet, optical, and near-infrared data set for the electromagnetic counterpart of...
  • CATalog of Stellar Unified Properties

    Almost every star in our Galaxy is likely to harbor a terrestrial planet, but accurate measurements of an exoplanet's mass and radius demand accurate knowledge of the properties...
  • KIC 8462852 one-yr obs. from UV to MIR

    To test alternative hypotheses for the behavior of KIC 8462852, we obtained measurements of the star over a wide wavelength range from the UV to the mid- infrared from 2015...
  • Photometry of the transient event iPTF16fnl

    We present ground-based and Swift observations of iPTF16fnl, a likely tidal disruption event (TDE) discovered by the intermediate Palomar Transient Factory (iPTF) survey at...
  • AGB stars with GALEX observations

    We have performed a comprehensive study of the UV emission detected from asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars by the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX). Of the 468 AGB stars in...
  • X-ray/UV Swift monitoring of NGC 4151

    Swift monitoring of NGC 4151 with an ~6hr sampling over a total of 69days in early 2016 is used to construct light curves covering five bands in the X-rays (0.3-50keV) and six...
  • Swift obs. of the superluminous SNI ASASSN-15lh

    We present and discuss ultraviolet and optical photometry from the Ultraviolet/Optical Telescope, X-ray limits from the X-Ray Telescope on Swift, and imaging polarimetry and...
  • Follow-up observations of SNIa ASASSN-14lp

    On 2014 December 9.61, the All-sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN or "Assassin") discovered ASASSN-14lp just ~2 days after first light using a global array of 14cm...
  • z~3-6 protoclusters in the CFHTLS deep fields

    We present the discovery of three protoclusters at z~3-4 with spectroscopic confirmation in the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey Deep Fields. In these fields, we...
  • Space telescope RM project. III. NGC 5548 LCs

    We present ground-based optical photometric monitoring data for NGC5548, part of an extended multiwavelength reverberation mapping campaign. The light curves have nearly daily...
  • Early-type galaxies at z<0.04 star formation rates

    We address the relation between star formation and active galactic nucleus (AGN) activity in a sample of 231 nearby (0.0002<z<0.0358) early-type galaxies by carrying out a...
  • Palomar/MSU and SDSS-DR7 M dwarfs with GALEX obs.

    We present a catalog of Galaxy Evolution Explorer Near-UV (NUV) and Far-UV (FUV) photometry for the Palomar/MSU and SDSS DR7 spectroscopic M dwarf catalogs. The catalog contains...
  • Multiwavelength obs. of BL Lac in 2012-2013

    BL Lac, the eponymous blazar, flared to historically high levels at millimeter, infrared, X-ray, and gamma-ray wavelengths in 2012. We present observations made with Herschel,...
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