Sedimentology on East Lake Bonney core Lz1023-1
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Sedimentological bulk parameters from core profile Lz1116
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Physical properties, geochemistry and ostracoda abundance of sediment core Lz...
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Geochemistry of coastal wetland in the Northern Saharan environment through l...
The core was collected manually from a boat employing a gravity core sampler. The core was sliced every two centimeters in the field, packed in individual identified plastics... -
(Supplemental Materials, Table 5) Major and trace elements compositions of fr...
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(Supplemental Materials, Table 5) Major and trace elements compositions of al...
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(Table 1) Daily fluxes of total particles, calcium carbonate, opal, diatoms, ...
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Biogeochemical, isotopic and grain size measurement on sediment core Co1260
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(Figure 5) Sedimentology of sediment core Lz1101 from the Melles Lake
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(Fig. 4) Sedimentology of core Lz1103 from Duck Lake
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Organic matter and elemental composition of gelatinous and soft-bodied zoopla...
Gelatinous and soft-bodied zooplankton (GZ) have long been considered to have low energetic value and are insufficient to sustain higher trophic levels. However, the nutritional... -
Sedimentology on Lake Hoare core Lz1020
Mineralogical analysis standard: Corundum (Al2O3) at a sample/standard ratio of 5:1, random powder mounts were X-rayed from 3 to 40° 2theta with a step size of 0.02° 2theta and...