Investigation of manganese nodules from the Southern Tasman Sea
Two manganese nodules having a high clay content, a low Mn/Fe ratio, and low contents of valuable metals (Ni 0.25%, Cu 0.17%, Co 0.06%) were recovered in a grab sample during a... -
Geochemistry on sediments in Lake Biwa
Thirty sediment cores (30-40 cm in length), 47 Ekman dredge sediments, and Mn concretions were collected from Lake Biwa. The concentrations of 36 elements in the samples were... -
Geochemistry on manganese crusts from French Polynesia
The Tuamotu Archipelago in French Polynesia is a Co-rich ferromanganese crust province. The NODCO I survey (1986) provided detailed data on Co-rich crusts in this environment... -
Structure and chemistry of TECHNO encrustations
Using as a starting point the results giving 'traditional' growth rates as determined by the decrease of radioelements (part I) and the hypothesis of rapid formation, the... -
TECHNO encrustation description and analysis
The distribution of radioactivities in a large polymetallic encrustation (TECHNO) sampled from the Pacific sea floor has been studied in great detail. The study includes... -
Geochemistry on manganese nodules from Timor
Fossil Mn nodules of Cretaceous age from western Timor exhibit chemical, structural and radioisotope compositions consistent with their being of deep-sea origin. These nodules... -
Analysis of ferromanganiferous sedimentary rocks from Timor
Seven manganese nodules, eight ferromanganiferous shales from the Cretaceous Wai Bua Formation of Timor, and a pelagic limestone with four ferromanganese enriched layers from... -
Manganese nodules mesozoic deep-sea deposits off some Indonesian Islands
Concretions of manganese have been discovered by the geological expedition to the islands of the Timor group in 1910—1912 in triassic and jurassic deep-sea deposits, on the... -
Description and chemical composition of manganese nodules during R/V "Tyro" c...
The porewater and sediment composition of two boxcores and of a small gravity core, taken on a manganese-nodule-covered hill and in the Madeira Abyssal Plain proper... -
Annotated record and chemical composition of manganese nodules from station V...
Analyses are given for the core and outer colliform shell of a manganese nodule collected at a depth of 5000 m in the Indian Ocean, and for the red clay that encloses the... -
The amount of water loss was determined by drying at 110°C
Deep-sea deposits, which resemble in nearly every respect the deep-sea oozes have been observed in many islands of the East-Indian Archipelago, notably the islands of Borneo,... -
Chemistry on manganese nodules from the Pacific Ocean
Three manganese nodules from the Pacific Ocean have been analysed for 35 elements by using mainly spectrophotometric and spectrographic methods. Cu, Co, Ni, Zn, and Pb were... -
Permian manganese nodules near Dillon, Montana
Concentrically ringed manganese nodules, similar in form to many found on modern ocean and sea floors, occur in a very fine grained argillaceous sandstone bed of the Permian... -
Geochemistry of manganese nodules from a British Columbia fjord
Concretions of iron and manganese oxides and hydrous oxidesóobjects commonly called manganese nodulesóare widely distributed not only on the deep-sea floor but also in shallow... -
Description and illustrations of Mn deposits from the John Murray Expedition ...
During the cruise of the" Mabahiss" from Zanzibar to Colombo at Station 133 (1° 25' 54" S. to 1° 19' 42" S. and 66° 34' 12" E. to 66° 35' 18" E.) several small rock fragments... -
Description, geochemistry and growth rate of buried nodules from the Central ...
Buried nodules from siliceous sediments in the central Indian Basin are morphologically variable and mineralogically consist of d-MnO2 and incipient todorokite. Compositionally... -
Geochemistry of a manganese nodule from the WALDA (R/V Jean Charcot) expedition
During the 1971 WALDA expedition of the R/V Jean Charcot in the Equatorial and South Atlantic, manganese nodules were recovered at Station 24 - DS 17 at the base of the... -
Description and chemical composition of manganese nodules sampled during the ...
This paper presents data on the chemical composition of iron-manganese nodules and associated sediments collected during the 35th voyage of the R/V "Vityaz" in 1962. The samples... -
Description and chemical and mineral composition of iron oxide samples from t...
Fifteen iron oxide accumulations from the bottoms of two Finnish lakes ("lake ores") were found to contain as much as 50% Fe. Differential X-ray powder diffraction and selective... -
Sampling sites, lake ore types, and dithionite-soluble Fe and Al in Finnish l...
The extent of substitution of Fe by Al in goethite in 32 lake ore samples collected from 11 lakes in Finland varied between 0 and 23 mol-%. The data indicated a negative...