1,257,819 datasets found

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  • Lorås øvre

    På liten forhøyning i N-enden av høydedraget: Fornminne: Rundrøys, jordblandet. Noe uklart markert, men tydelig i terrenget. Noe avflatet form. Går i SSØ i ett med...
  • 060205-24A Bly-Kulle

    This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 1879 : ...En...
  • Ystad østre

    På lite N-vendt platå i bergdraget: Fornminne: Steinblandet rundhaug. Klart markert, litt synlig i terrenget. Avrundet til brattsidet form. Flatt midtparti. I sentrum...
  • 060205-24 Bly-Kulle

    This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 2016-09-06:...
  • Buvik indre

    Fornminne: Funn av kranium i røys. Skjema mangler, bare avmerket på flyfoto. Dette er trolig det samme som: Funn 1958/95 kranium. Ifølge opplysninger innkommet ved...
  • 060205-24B Bly-Kulle

    This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 1879 :...
  • Reipas

    Funnsted for: Her fant eieren under pløying et bein, som han mente kunne stamme fra et menneske (underarm). Det lå ca. 0,2 m nede i jorda. Ca. 30 m SØ for stedet dette beinet...
  • 060205-23 Tornegaard

    This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 1879 : En...
  • Vestre Tverrelvdal

    Funnsted for: Spydspiss av skifer, lengde ca. 0,15 m. Spydspissen ble funnet i 1931 ca. 0,3 m dypt.
  • 060205-22 Tornegaard

    This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 1879 : En...
  • Lille Risøya

    Fornminne: Gravrøys. Utkastet gravrøys inntil en bergflate, like ved en bjørk. Gravrøysas totalskadd, helt utkastet. Formen ikke mulig å angi.
  • 060205-21 Skovhøj

    This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 1879 : Lige...
  • Johågen

    Haug. Oval haug av jord og stein, noe uklart markert med tydelig i terrenget. Retning NNØ-SSV, i Ø og V endene stikker fjellknauser fram i dagen. Bevokst med lyng, kratt og...
  • 401754-9 Stangegaard

    This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 1879 : I...
  • Altagård

    Fornminne: 2-3 Hustufter eller fordypninger i terrenget. Lengde 4-6 m, bredde 3-5 m. Uklart markert. Gressbevokst. Ingen opplysninger om bygningsmateriale. Vollene kan ikke...
  • 060205-18A Risegaard

    This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 1943 : Høj i...
  • Vestre Auno

    Rund røys uten bevoksning. Fjernet like etter ut- skiftningen, kalt Augnarøysa. Mål ukjent, ingen funn.
  • 060205-145 Vallensgaard

    This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 1879 :...
  • Hauasmågje

    Ein eller to spiralringar av gull med 3-4 vindingar. Iflg. Ola S. Skår, Ombo var indre d. heller tynnare enn einblyant. Laga av ein rund tein. Funne under luking ein gong ca....
  • 060205-25 Aagaard

    This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 1879 : En...
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