251 datasets found

Keywords: white dwarf stars

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  • Detailed analysis of cool WDs in the SDSS

    We present optical spectroscopy and near-infrared photometry of 126 cool white dwarfs (WDs) in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS DR3). Our sample includes high proper motion...
  • SDSS4 confirmed white dwarfs catalog

    We present a catalog of 9316 spectroscopically confirmed white dwarfs from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 4. We have selected the stars through photometric cuts and...
  • Low-luminosity companions to white dwarfs

    This paper presents results of a near-infrared imaging survey for low-mass stellar and substellar companions to white dwarfs. A wide-field proper-motion survey of 261 white...
  • BVRIJHK photometry of cool white dwarfs

    A detailed photometric and spectroscopic analysis of cool (T_eff_<~12000K) white dwarf stars is presented. The sample has been drawn from the Yale Parallax Catalog and from a...
  • IUE echelle spectra of hot white dwarfs

    This paper summarizes the results obtained from a comprehensive analysis of all of the SWP echelle spectra of the white dwarf stars contained in the IUE Final Archive. A total...
  • Massive white dwarfs in young star clusters

    We have carried out a search for massive white dwarfs (WDs) in the direction of young open star clusters using the Gaia DR2 database. The aim of this survey was (1) to provide...
  • Variable white dwarfs from Gaia & ZTF photometry

    We present a novel method to detect variable astrophysical objects and transient phenomena using anomalous excess scatter in repeated measurements from public catalogs of Gaia...
  • WD binary pathways survey. V. Gaia WD+AFGK binaries

    Close white dwarf binaries consisting of a white dwarf and an A-, F-, G-, or K-type main-sequence star, henceforth close WD+AFGK binaries, are ideal systems to understand the...
  • Bright Gaia white dwarfs with unWISE photometry

    Studies of excess infrared radiation around white dwarfs provide important constraints on the evolution of planetary systems and low-mass companions beyond the main-sequence...
  • Model atmosphere analysis of hot WDs from SDSS DR12

    As they evolve, white dwarfs undergo major changes in surface composition, a phenomenon known as spectral evolution. In particular, some stars enter the cooling sequence with...
  • NIR APOGEE radial velocities of Draco C1

    Draco C1 is a known symbiotic binary star system composed of a carbon red giant and a hot, compact companion-likely a white dwarf-belonging to the Draco dwarf spheroidal galaxy....
  • 723 Gaia DR2 White dwarfs cand. in Local Galactic Halo

    We present a catalog of 531 white dwarf candidates that have large apparent transverse motions relative to the Sun (v_T_>200km/s), thus making them likely members of the...
  • Spectroscopic follow-up of 100pc WDs in SDSS & Gaia

    We present follow-up spectroscopy of 711 white dwarfs within 100pc, and we present a detailed model atmosphere analysis of the 100pc white dwarf sample in the Sloan Digital Sky...
  • The ELM Survey. VIII. Final double WD binaries

    We present the final sample of 98 detached double white dwarf (WD) binaries found in the Extremely Low Mass (ELM) Survey, a spectroscopic survey targeting <0.3M_{sun} He-core...
  • High-mass white dwarfs in Gaia DR2

    Revealed by Gaia DR2, the Q branch is a narrow and prominent branch of white dwarf overdensity on the H-R diagram. We find that there are significantly more fast-moving white...
  • 1340 Helium rich white dwarfs in the Gaia era

    We present an analysis of 1023 DBZ/DZ(A) and 319 DQ white dwarf stars taken from the Montreal White Dwarf Database. This represents a significant increase over the previous...
  • DB white dwarfs with SDSS and Gaia data

    We present a comprehensive analysis of DB white dwarfs drawn from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, based on model fits to ugriz photometry and medium-resolution spectroscopy from...
  • Cool WD atmosphere models. IV. Spectral evolution

    As a result of competing physical mechanisms, the atmospheric composition of white dwarfs changes throughout their evolution, a process known as spectral evolution. Because of...
  • Candidate spectrophotometric standard DA WDs

    We present precise photometry and spectroscopy for 23 candidate spectrophotometric standard white dwarfs. The selected stars are distributed in the Northern hemisphere and...
  • Asteroseismology of the WD GD358, 1982-2016

    We report on the analysis of 34 years of photometric observations of the pulsating helium atmosphere white dwarf GD358. The complete data set includes archival data from 1982 to...
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