312 datasets found

Keywords: ultraviolet photometry

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  • Virgo cluster ultraviolet sources

    We analyze three UV images covering a ~100 square degree field toward the Virgo cluster, obtained by the FAUST space experiment. We detect 191 sources to a signal-to-noise ratio...
  • UIT near-UV bright objects catalog

    We present a photometric catalog of 2244 objects detected by the Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope in the near-ultraviolet (NUV; 1650A<lambda<2900A) during the Astro-1 Space...
  • Far-UV stellar photometry

    Far-ultraviolet photometry is presented for 121 objects in a 20deg diameter field centered on Rho Oph and for 649 objects in a field covering the Galactic center. Broadband...
  • Photometry & spectroscopy follow-up of ASASSN-20hx

    We present observations of ASASSN-20hx, a nearby ambiguous nuclear transient (ANT) discovered in NGC 6297 by the All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae (ASAS-SN). We observed...
  • UV, optical and X-ray evolution of ASASSN-14ko

    ASASSN-14ko is a recently discovered periodically flaring transient at the center of the active galactic nucleus (AGN) ESO 253-G003 with a slowly decreasing period. Here, we...
  • Type Ia SNe with galaxy host properties

    More luminous Type Ia supernovae prefer less massive hosts and regions of higher star formation. This correlation is inverted during width-color-luminosity light-curve...
  • UV and optical obs. of type Ic SN 2020oi

    We present photometric and spectroscopic observations of Supernova 2020oi (SN 2020oi), a nearby (~17Mpc) type-Ic supernova (SNIc) within the grand-design spiral M100. We...
  • Final moments. I. Type II SN 2020tlf

    We present panchromatic observations and modeling of supernova (SN) 2020tlf, the first normal Type II-P/L SN with confirmed precursor emission, as detected by the Young...
  • SNIa observed in H-band combined with UV-opt. LCs

    We analyze 143 Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) observed in H band (1.6-1.8{mu}m) and find that SNe Ia are intrinsically brighter in H band with increasing host galaxy stellar mass....
  • HETDEX [OIII] emitters. I. Low-z galaxies

    We assemble a sample of 17 low-metallicity (7.45<log(O/H)+12<8.12) galaxies with z<=0.1 found spectroscopically, without photometric preselection, in early data from...
  • Swift phot. recomputed for 38 transients

    In November 2020, the Swift team announced an update to the UltraViolet and Optical Telescope calibration to correct for the loss of sensitivity over time. This correction...
  • Follow-up photometry of ASASSN-14ko

    We present the discovery that ASASSN-14ko is a periodically flaring active galactic nucleus at the center of the galaxy ESO 253-G003. At the time of its discovery by the All-Sky...
  • Total/polarized extinction/emission PostPlanck Era

    We present a synthesis of the astronomical observations constraining the wavelength-dependent extinction, emission, and polarization from interstellar dust from UV to microwave...
  • 3C 454.3 FeII, MgII & 3000{AA} measurements

    Over the years, the flat-spectrum radio quasar 3C454.3 has presented phases of very high activity (flares) in which the different wave bands increase their flux dramatically. In...
  • HST UV/optical photometry in NGC 1978

    Multiple stellar populations (MPs) with different chemical compositions are not exclusive features of old globular clusters (older than 10Gyr). Indeed, recent studies reveal...
  • UV to visible-light observations of SN 2018fif

    High-cadence transient surveys are able to capture supernovae closer to their first light than ever before. Applying analytical models to such early emission, we can constrain...
  • LCs of 4 superluminous SNe from the ZTF survey

    We present photometry and spectroscopy of four hydrogen-poor luminous supernovae discovered during the 2-month long science commissioning and early operations of the Zwicky...
  • UVOT, ZTF gri LCs and spectra of the SN Ia 2019yvq

    Early observations of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) provide essential clues for understanding the progenitor system that gave rise to the terminal thermonuclear explosion. We...
  • 500days of ASASSN-18pg multiwavelength obs.

    We present nearly 500 days of observations of the tidal disruption event (TDE) ASASSN-18pg, spanning from 54 days before peak light to 441 days after peak light. Our data set...
  • Swift UVOT observation of the radio quasar 3C 273

    3C273 is an intensively monitored flat-spectrum radio quasar with both a beamed jet and blue bump together with broad emission lines. The coexistence of the comparably prominent...
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