385 datasets found

Keywords: Einkommen

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  • Insurance Companies

    Image of insurance companies. 2. Judgement on the change in the Federal Chancellor Office from Adenauer to Erhard. Topics: 1. Associations with life insurance and growing old...
  • Additional Income in Agriculture

    Company and income situation among full-time farmers. Topics: Agricultural company land; family members helping; number and working hours of non-family workforce; extent and...
  • Long-Term Savings Program

    Structure of the long-term savings program. Topics: Characteristics of accumulating possessions and capital; amount of total savings; membership in clubs and organizations;...
  • Savings Habits (1975)

    Savings habits of the population. Topics: Savings habits of the respondent in the survey year in comparison to earlier years; increases in savings; savings goal and form of...
  • ZUMABUS 4 (1979)

    The ZUMABUS 4 has three major topics: 1. Education practices and attitude to education, 2. Birth planning and distribution of gender, 3. Consumer habits. Topics: 1....
  • Federal Parliament Election 1976 (Panel: 1st Wave, October 1973)

    Attitude to economic as well as political questions. Judgement on parties and politicians in view of the next Federal Parliament election. Topics: 1. judgement on political...
  • Welfare Survey 1978

    Actual living conditions and subjectively perceived quality of life of the West German population. Topics: 1. Objective situation in areas of life: housing situation and...
  • Welfare Survey 1980

    Actual living conditions and subjectively perceived quality of life of the West German population. Topics: housing situation; size of residence; age of residential building and...
  • Citizens and Welfare State

    Economic, social and occupational situation of the population. Attitude of the population to the welfare state system and individual social services. Topics: judgement on one´s...
  • Foreign Workers in the Federal Republic (1980)

    The social and economic situation of foreign workers in the Federal Republic. Consumer habits and money questions. Topics: 1. Economic and social situation: current and...
  • Foreign Workers in the Federal Republic (1982)

    The social and economic situation of foreign workers in the Federal Republic. Consumer habits and money questions. Topics: 1. Economic and social situation: current and...
  • Foreign Workers in the Federal Republic (Data Pool 1970-1982)

    The social and economic situation of foreign workers in the Federal Republic. Summarized data set of surveys conducted at first annually, then every two years. Topics: The...
  • College Education and Profession

    Retrospect on school and learning conditions of college graduates of the University and Technical College of Munich and judgement on current professional situation. Topics: 1....
  • Debit and Credit 1

    Attitude to money and financial investment conduct. 2. Information on residence and type of heating. Topics: 1. Attitude to money and financial investment conduct: judgement...
  • Typology of Desires 1984

    Attitudes to consumption, media usage and possession of economic goods. 2. Quantitative recording of consumer habits. Topics: 1. Personal demands on life; attitude to...
  • Typology of Desires 1986

    Attitudes to consumption, media usage and possession of economic goods. 2. Quantitative recording of consumer habits. Topics: 1. personal demands on life; attitude to...
  • Darmstadt Study (Vocational School)

    Family and living conditions as well as conduct and attitudes of vocational students. Topics: area of business of job; living with parents; social origins; number of siblings...
  • Transfer Survey

    Information on employment, income structure, taxes or fees paid and support received by persons living in the household. Topics: The complete data set is subdivided in three...
  • Typology of Desires 1987

    Attitudes to consumption, media usage and possession of economic goods. Quantitative recording of consumer habits. Topics: The content of the study is identical to that of ZA...
  • Study of Life Situations (25-60 Year-Old Persons)

    Complete information on course of life and occupation since the 15th year of life, about retirement program, both private and through professional group, and about financial...
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