Fine Scale Structure in Cometary Dust Tails - Figure 5.8 - Temporal map seque...
A sequence of 235 temporal maps, with a fine-scale difference enhancement (i.e. using temporal difference images with a wide dynamic range). This shows the main dust tail of... -
Fine Scale Structure in Cometary Dust Tails - Figure 6.11 - Sunward aligned t...
Sunward aligned temporal maps of C/2002 V1's dust tail as seen by LASCO C3 (clear filter) with MGN enhancement, showing the effects of increased solar wind dynamic pressure of... -
Fine Scale Structure in Cometary Dust Tails - Figure 5.3b - C/2011 L4 as seen...
Views of C/2011 L4 Pan-STARRS from STEREO-B HI-1, enhanced as temporal difference images, using a scale with a narrow dynamic range. The sun is centre below relative to all... -
Fine Scale Structure in Cometary Dust Tails - Figure 5.12 - Temporal Map sequ...
A sequence of 211 temporal maps, with fine-scale difference enhancement, showing C/2011 L4's short straight tail. The tail is shown from 2013 March 10 04:50 UT until March 16... -
Fine Scale Structure in Cometary Dust Tails - Figure 6.2c, 6.2d, 6.3b - C/200...
Views of C/2002 V1 NEAT from SOHO LASCO C3, using the clear filter, with Multiscale Gaussian Normalisation enhancement. -
Fine Scale Structure in Cometary Dust Tails - Figure 6.8 - Sunward aligned te...
A sequences of 70 sunward aligned temporal maps of C/2002 V1's main dust tail created from the SOHO LASCO C3 clear filter data using MGN enhancement.These are the same temporal...