A sequences of 70 sunward aligned temporal maps of C/2002 V1's main dust tail created from the SOHO LASCO C3 clear filter data using MGN enhancement.These are the same temporal maps shown in Figure 6.6 but shifted from the (βr, te) phase space into the (R, θ) phase space.The tail is shown from 2003 February 16th at 18:54 UT until February 19th 17:54 UT. Dust is displayed from the region of 0.2 < βr < 2.5 with ejection times from 2003 February 14th 00:00 UT through to February 18th 00:00 UT.The CME passes through the tail at around 08:54 UT on February 18th. Eight hours later, the oldest dust in the tail is barely visible, and a new prominent stria feature has formed.