753 datasets found

Keywords: stellar masses

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  • SN host galaxies in the dark energy survey I

    The 5-yr Dark Energy Survey Supernova Programme (DES-SN) is one of the largest and deepest transient surveys to date in terms of volume and number of supernovae. Identifying and...
  • Runaway and walkaway stars from the ONC

    Theory predicts that we should find fast, ejected (runaway) stars of all masses around dense, young star-forming regions. N-body simulations show that the number and...
  • Mode identification in 3 pulsating hot subdwarfs

    We report on the detection of pulsations of three pulsating subdwarf B stars observed by the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) satellite and our results of mode...
  • Pulsation properties of {lambda}bootis stars I

    We analyse TESS light curves for 70 southern {lambda} Boo stars to identify binaries and to determine which of them pulsate as {delta} Scuti stars. We find two heartbeat stars...
  • Magnetic activity based on LAMOST and Kepler

    Stellar magnetic activity is an interesting phenomenon in late-type stars. We use the medium-resolution spectroscopic observations of 406069 late-type stars from LAMOST to...
  • Multiwavelength view of the open cluster NGC 2527

    Star clusters are ideal platforms for categorizing X-ray emitting stars and to study X-ray emission as a function of stellar age and activity. We present a comprehensive study...
  • TICs 167692429 and 220397947 triple stars

    We report the discovery and complex analyses of the first two compact hierarchical triple star systems discovered with TESS in or near its southern continuous viewing zone...
  • NIR spectroscopic study of young M dwarfs

    We present here medium resolution ({lambda}/{Delta}{lambda}~1200) H- and K-band spectra of M-type dwarf stars covering the wavelength ranges 1.50-1.80{mu}m and 1.95-2.45{mu}m....
  • Variable stars in the Sh 2-170 H II region

    We present multi-epoch deep (~20mag) Ic-band photometric monitoring of the Sh 2-170 star-forming region to understand the variability properties of pre-main-sequence (PMS)...
  • Study of the young open cluster NGC 1960

    We present a comprehensive photometric analysis of a young open cluster NGC 1960 (=M36) along with the long-term variability study of this cluster. Based on the kinematic data...
  • CALIFA galaxies hosting an AGN

    We study the presence of optically-selected Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) within a sample of 867 galaxies extracted from the extended Calar-Alto Legacy Integral Field...
  • Large-scale star formation in Auriga region

    New observations in the VI bands along with archival data from the 2MASS and WISE surveys have been used to generate a catalogue of young stellar objects (YSOs) covering an area...
  • TOI-222: a 34-d eclipsing binary

    We report the period, eccentricity, and mass determination for the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) single-transit event candidate TOI-222, which displayed a single...
  • Semi-detached double-lined eclipsing binaries

    Semidetached eclipsing systems provide a unique opportunity to derive the basic properties of interacting binaries. The goal of this work is to collect and to make use of data...
  • Rotation periods for 107 M dwarfs from APACHE

    We present rotation period measurements for 107 M dwarfs in the mass range 0.15-0.70M_{sun} observed within the context of the APACHE photometric survey. We measure rotation...
  • Modelled parameters of Cepheid and RR Lyrae

    The period of pulsation and the structure of the light curve for Cepheid and RR Lyrae variables depend on the fundamental parameters of the star: mass, radius, luminosity, and...
  • NGTS-8b and NGTS-9b non-inflated hot Jupiters

    We report the discovery, by the next generation transit survey (NGTS), of two hot Jupiters NGTS-8b and NGTS-9b. These orbit a V=13.68 K0V star (T_eff_=5241+/-50K) with a period...
  • Study of spiral density waves in CVs

    Spiral density waves are thought to be excited in the accretion discs of accreting compact objects, including cataclysmic variable stars (CVs). Observational evidence has been...
  • Masses and radii of Kepler and CoRoT targets

    Recently, by analysing the oscillation frequencies of 90 stars, Yildiz, Celik Orhan & Kayhan have shown that the reference frequencies ({nu}min0, {nu}min1, and {nu}min2)...
  • Modelling Kepler eclipsing binaries

    We report on the properties of eclipsing binaries (EBs) from the Kepler mission with a newly developed photometric modelling code, which uses the light curve, spectral energy...
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