Understanding Micelle Formation in Binary Ionic Liquid Mixtures
Neutron diffraction will be used to investigate and compare the structure of binary mixtures of ionic liquids above and below the critical micelle concentration. Mixtures of... -
Dynamics of poly-acrylonitrile in polymer-layered silicate micro-objects
We propose to measure vibrational spectra from poly-acrylonitrile confined in nanoporous silica matrixes. Polymers confined in silica have recently been the subject of great... -
The adsorption of methyl proprionate on silica catalysts.
Commercial routes for the manufacture of methyl methacrylate monomer have recently been developed that involve the reaction of esters over modified silicas, which are amphoteric... -
Low field µSR studies of radiation chemistry and free radical reactions by no...
Microwave (MW) assisted chemical reactions are of interest as a green, energy efficient alternative to conventional thermal heating for chemical processes. MW irradiation... -
The effect of particles on the structure of mucin ¿ understanding the challen...
Progress in the development of nano-sized hybrid therapeutics and nano-sized drug delivery systems - "nanomedicines" - over the last decade has been remarkable. One key... -
Structural phase transition in SnSe with ultra low thermal conductivity
SnSe has recently been reported to have very good thermoelectric performance. This is linked to an ultralow thermal conductivity and occurs in the B-phase (ZT > 2 above 800... -
Local cation ordering in bismuth yttrium ytterbium oxide solid electrolytes
Solid electrolytes based on Bi2O3 exhibit high conductivity at intermediate temperatures (300-600 deg C) and recent research has revealed the true potential of these materials... -
Investigating the role of oxygen in the mechanism for the transformation from...
Materials for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs) are being developed continuously. Cuprous delafossites (CuBO2 where B=Cu, Cr) are being developed for cathode side applications in... -
Equation of state of ice VI
Ice VI is likely to be a major mantle mineral in the interiors of large icy moons in our solar system, and in large icy extrasolar planets. It is also a common accessory phase... -
High-temperature diffraction studies to investigate the Li-ion migration path...
We propose to study the crystal structure of the inverse spinel Li3CrV2O8 using variable temperature powder neutron diffraction. By conducting these neutron experiments, we will... -
Reactivity studies of CeO2 and metal supported CeO2 materials.
Cerium dioxide is widely used as carrier on which noble metals are dispersed to act as catalysts for a range of reactions. One of the most widely used applications of this... -
Structure and dynamics of nano-confined supercooled water studied by Deep Ine...
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Analysing intermediates of a CO2 insertion reaction using simultaneous operan...
Atmospheric levels of CO2 are increasing at uncontrolled levels and as such methods of CO2 utilisation are being researched. A key reaction for this purpose is the coupling of... -
Mesostructured titania films from ethanolic solutions
In this proposal we wish to continue our current work on mesostructured inorganic films in largely ethanolic solutions, containing limited amounts of water. Transition metal... -
Relaxor-like dielectric behaviour in stoichiometric Sillenite Bi12SiO20
We request 1 day of beam-time on POLARIS to collect Neutron Diffraction (ND) data on the Sillenite Bi12SiO20 (gamma-Bi2O3) that we have recently discovered to exhibit a... -
Atomic and pore structure of amorphous zeolites
We will investigate a series of amorphised zeolitic solids and determine the short and medium range order structures and more importantly the nature of pore-size when we go from... -
Programme Access Rosseinsky
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Investigating the role of Oxygen in the delafossite-spinel transformations in...
CuFe1-xCrO2 has potential applications as an SOFC cathode material. It exhibits and interesting transformation on oxidation. This is a follow on from our recent HRPD experiment... -
Defect structure in new lithium germanium molybdate LISICONs
Systems that exhibit a continuous framework, with electrolyte and electrode regions differentiated by small differences in composition are being developed for use in all solid... -
Structural Investigations of Nickel-Substituted Bornite
We wish to collect powder neutron diffraction data on modified bornites, Cu5Fe1-xNixS4 (0<x<0.1) to study the impact of nickel substitution on the distribution of cations...