206 datasets found

Keywords: co line emission

Filter Results
  • CO large-field observations around l=150{deg}

    We present large-field (4.25x3.75deg^2^) mapping observations toward the Galactic region centered at l=150{deg},b=3.5{deg} in the J=1-0 emission line of CO isotopologues...
  • Milky Way molecular clouds from ^12^CO

    This study presents a catalog of 8107 molecular clouds that covers the entire Galactic plane and includes 98% of the ^12^CO emission observed within b+/-5^{deg}^. The catalog...
  • The PAWS catalogs of GMCs and islands in M51

    Using data from the PdBI Arcsecond Whirlpool Survey (PAWS), we have generated the largest extragalactic giant molecular cloud (GMC) catalog to date, containing 1507 individual...
  • ^13^CO cores in the Taurus molecular cloud

    Young stars form in molecular cores, which are dense condensations within molecular clouds. We have searched for molecular cores traced by ^13^CO J=1-->0 emission in the...
  • Molecular lines in EGOs

    We report the first systematic survey of molecular lines (including HCO^+^(1-0) and ^12^CO, ^13^CO, C^18^O(1-0) lines at the 3mm band) toward a new sample of 88 massive young...
  • Clump properties in the LMC 30 Dor region

    We present a complete ^12^CO(J=1-0) map of the prominent molecular ridge in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) obtained with the 22m ATNF Mopra Telescope. The region stretches...
  • CO emission of 5 Herbig Ae stars

    We explore the high-resolution ({Lambda}/{Delta}{Lambda}=25000;{Delta}v=12km/s) M-band (4.7-5.1{mu}m) spectra of several disk-dominated Herbig Ae (HAe) systems: AB Aur, MWC 758,...
  • Supergiant molecular complexes in the Antennae

    We have used previously published observations of the CO emission from the Antennae (NGC 4038/4039) to study the detailed properties of the supergiant molecular complexes with...
  • FCRAO CO survey of the outer Galaxy

    A summary of global properties and an evaluation of the equilibrium state of molecular regions in the outer Galaxy are presented from the decomposition of the Five College Radio...
  • Molecular clouds associated with HII regions

    The properties of molecular clouds associated with 10 HII regions were studied using CO observations. We identified 142 dense clumps within our sample and found that our sources...
  • CO and HCN observations of circumstellar envelopes

    We have searched the literature for all observations of the ^12^CO(1-0), ^12^CO(2-1), and HCN(1-0) lines in circumstellar envelopes of late type stars published between January...
  • Multiline CO observations of MBM 32

    Using the KOSMA 3-m telescope we have made observations of the ^12^CO(J=1-0), (J=2-1) and (J=3-2), and the ^13^CO(J=1-0) and (J=2-1) transitions of the high latitude cloud MBM...
  • Sz 65 and Sz 66 ALMA observations

    Substructures in disc density are ubiquitous in the bright extended discs that are observed with high resolution. These substructures are intimately linked to the physical...
  • H2 in the diffuse ISM

    Carbon monoxide (CO) is a poor tracer of H_2_ in the diffuse interstellar medium (ISM), where most of the carbon is not incorporated into CO molecules, unlike the situation at...
  • Herbig disks gas mass using CO isotopologues

    The total disk mass sets the formation potential for exoplanets. Obtaining the disk mass is however not an easy feat, as one needs to consider the optical thickness,...
  • IRAM NOEMA CO(1-0) cubes for IC342

    We present a new wide-field 10.75x10.75arcmin^2^ (~11x11kpc^2^), high-resolution (theta=3.6"~60pc) NOEMA CO(1-0) survey of the very nearby (d=3.45Mpc) spiral galaxy IC 342. The...
  • Horsehead ALMA images

    Massive stars can determine the evolution of molecular clouds by eroding and photo-evaporating their surfaces with strong ultraviolet (UV) radiation fields. Moreover, UV...
  • Molecular gas in superspiral galaxies

    At the highest stellar masses (log(M)>~11.5M_{sun}_), only a small fraction of galaxies are disk-like and actively star-forming objects. These so-called `super spirals' are...
  • Polaris Flare CO enhancement by MHD waves

    The formation of molecular gas in interstellar clouds is a slow process, but can be enhanced by gas compression. Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves can create compressed...
  • CO(2-1) survey at 9pc resolution in SMC

    We present a CO(2-1) survey at 9pc resolution obtained with the APEX telescope in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC). We perform a catalog of 177 molecular clouds in an extensive...
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