Polymer-surfactant films modified with alkylmethacrylates for structure reten...
We have previously observed formation of polymer-surfactant films at the air-water interface having a range of structures including 2D hexagonal, bicontinuous cubic and lamellar... -
A high-temperature neutron powder determination of the phase transition and c...
Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) is a solar cell material of great interest. However the material when fabricated, although of high symmetry, contains substantial defect concentration and a... -
Magnetic phase diagram of single crystal multiferroic NaFeGe2O6
Multiferroics of spin origin, for which magnetic long-range order and electric polarization occur simultaneously, have attracted considerable interest. The strong coupling... -
Continuation of "Magnetic excitations in the quantum spin ice Yb2Ti2O7"
We have recently carried out an inelastic neutron scattering experiment at LET in order to investigate the excitations in the quantum spin ice Yb2Ti2O7. The single crystal... -
Thermal expansion of hexa-halogenated benzenes: C6Cl6, C6Br6, C6I6.
The aim of the present proposal is to complete a systematic study on the effects of isotopic and chemical substitution on the thermal expansion and vibrational properties of... -
Influence of cation ordering and Li content on solid solution behavior in LiN...
For energy storage applications, high energy density is an important material characteristic when searching for new types of suitable materials. LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 (LNMO) is an... -
Compressibility and Tilting of Polyhedra within Sr2NiMoO6 at High Pressure
Ordered double perovskites (also known as elpasolites) have the general formula A2BBO6 where A is generally a rare earth metal or alkaline earth metal and where B and B are... -
Polymer chain conformations in solutions for electrospinning
This proposal is part of a research programme which is focused on nano-fibres prepared by electrospinning. The programme is centered on developing an understanding of the... -
Surface segregation and topographical excitation in stoichiometric polymer:fu...
We propose to study the kinetics and thermodynamics of polymer:fullerene composite association to provide insight into engineering increased efficiency organic photovoltaics....