Evolving structures of oxysulfide battery materials
This proposal aims to investigate the evolution of the structures of layered oxysulfide materials which show promise as lithium ion battery electrodes. The lithiation of... -
Non-uniform elastic deformation of layered crystal structures
The experiment will resolve a discrepancy between earlier experiments carried out very recently by us and work elsewhere on the hydrostatic compression of a series of 211... -
Investigating dental resin polymer structures of as a function of light-curin...
Dimethacrylate resins are currently used for dental fillings. The polymers are set by free radical polymerisation. At present light curing protocols require 40s exposure at... -
Study of change in magnetic momentum in Ni/NiO/Ni structures
NiO has useful electronic, magnetic and catalytic properties. It is also used in creation of OxRRAM¿s, that are considered as a better alternative to Flash memory due its... -
Interactions between a polymer brush grown from a macro-initiator-modified sa...
We propose to make neutron reflectivity measurements of the weak polyelectrolyte, poly(dimethy amino ethyl methacrylate), grown from two different surface densities of initiator... -
A study of hole injection efficiency for a model conjugated bilayer system
Polymer-based electronics have attracted huge interest due to their wide applicability to light emitting diodes, field effect transistors and photovoltaics. The aim of our... -
Aggregation behaviour of aqueous hairy rod conjugated polyelectrolyte/surfact...
Small angle neutron scattering (SANS) will be used to characterise the structures of aggregates formed between the anionic conjugated polyelectrolyte... -
Crystal structures of methanol mono-ammoniate (CD3OD.ND3) and methanol hemi-a...
Mixtures of methanol with water and ammonia dominate the chemistry of cometary bodies, leftovers of the building blocks of the outer planets. We have previously determined the... -
Phase Behaviour in Pyrazine and Tetramethylpyrazine.
Pyrazine-I is stable < 302 K, phase II exists from 302-310 K, and phase III from 310-324 K. The known phase-I forms an ordered structure. It is thought that structures of... -
Evolution of complex surface structures in LAS / nonionic surfactant mixtures
This proposal is part of a broad programme of collaborative research between RAL / Oxford and Unilever, using predominantly scattering techniques to investigate the nature of... -
Crystal and magnetic structures of the anionogenic ferromagnet Ba0.85K0.15O2
We propose to use GEM to study the evolution of both the crystal and magnetic structures of Ba0.85K0.15O2 between room temperature and 2 K. Ba0.85K0.15O2 is a novel phase not... -
Local structures and dynamics of new functional oxides
The melilite family are new xoide ion conductors with high mobility at low temperatures. Average structures suggest that the ability of the structure to accomodate high levels... -
Solution structures of the immunologically important proteins IgA, C3 and IgG
Abnormally glycosylated IgA leads to IgA nephropathy, the most common cause of renal failure. IgG antibody represents one-third of new drugs currently in development, and its... -
Interfacial / surface retention / delivery of perfumes from different surface...
This proposal is part of a funded (CASE) project, aimed at understanding the delivery of benefit actives (perfumes) to interfaces and the development of new self-assembled... -
Local and average structures of the proton conducting Y-doped BaZrO3 from neu...
Y-doped BaZrO3 has been identified as a promising potential candidate as an electrolyte materialfor proton conduction in intermediate temperature fuel cells. In the temperature... -
Magnetic structures of antiferromagnetic heavy fermion CeAuAl3 and CeCuAl3 co...
CeAuAl3 and CeCuAl3 compounds crystallize in the tetragonal I4mm, BaNiSn3-type and display interesting bulk properties. Here we propose to investigate the magnetic structures of... -
Correlation of structures, compositions and magnetism of copper-deficient lay...
This experiment will investigate three related systems which contain copper deficient anti-fluorite-type copper sulfide layers. The overall aim is to correlate magnetic and... -
Crystal and magnetic structures of new 2D and 3D oxyselenides La2O2Se2M (M = ...
In this proposal we request 4 days of beamtime on GEM to study four new transition metal oxyselenide materials. Two new layered oxyselenides, La2O2Se2Mn and La2O2Se2Fe have been... -
Detailed structures of surfactant micelles
Measurements are required for Sans2d resolution checks and also the overlap of the two Sans2d detectors. Proposal submitted to panel and they deemed it should be done as... -
A study of hole injection efficiency for a model conjugated bilayer system
Polymer-based electronics have attracted huge interest due to their wide applicability to light emitting diodes, field effect transistors and photovoltaics. The aim of our...