109 datasets found

Keywords: interstellar reddening

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  • LAMOST survey of star clusters in M31. II.

    We select from Paper I a sample of 306 massive star clusters observed with the Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fibre Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST) in the vicinity fields of M31...
  • Pan-Pacific Planet Search (PPPS). V. 164 stars

    We present spectroscopic stellar parameters for the complete target list of 164 evolved stars from the Pan-Pacific Planet Search, a five-year radial velocity campaign using the...
  • Bolometric fluxes of eclipsing binaries in Tycho-2

    We present fits to the broadband photometric spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of 158 eclipsing binaries (EBs) in the Tycho-2 catalog. These EBs were selected because they...
  • Pleiades members with K2 light curves. III.

    We use high-quality K2 light curves for hundreds of stars in the Pleiades to better understand the angular momentum evolution and magnetic dynamos of young low-mass stars. The...
  • Globular and open clusters observed by SDSS/SEGUE

    We present griz observations for the clusters M92, M13 and NGC 6791 and gr photometry for M71, Be 29 and NGC 7789. In addition we present new membership identifications for all...
  • UBVRIz light curves of 51 Type II supernovae

    We present a compilation of UBVRIz light curves of 51 type II supernovae discovered during the course of four different surveys during 1986-2003: the Cerro Tololo Supernova...
  • Abundances in the local region. I. G and K giants

    Parameters and abundances for 1133 stars of spectral types F, G, and K of luminosity class III have been derived. In terms of stellar parameters, the primary point of interest...
  • Eclipse timings of 27 eclipsing binaries in the SMC

    We present the periods of apsidal motion for 27 early-type eclipsing binaries with high eccentricity located in the Small Magellanic Cloud. New times of minima were derived from...
  • Reddening of ~35000 quasars from SDSS

    We explore the extinction/reddening of ~35000 uniformly selected quasars with 0<z{<=}5.3 in order to better understand their intrinsic optical/ultraviolet (UV) spectral...
  • APASS BVgri photometry of RAVE stars. I. Data

    We provide AAVSO Photometric All-Sky Survey (APASS) photometry in the Landolt BV and Sloan g'r'i' bands for all 425743 stars included in the fourth RAVE Data Release. The...
  • Spectroscopy of W UMa-type binary stars

    This study is the first attempt to determine the metallicities of W UMa-type binary stars using spectroscopy. We analyzed about 4500 spectra collected at the David Dunlap...
  • BV photometry of dwarf Cepheids in Carina

    We report the detection of 388 pulsating variable stars (and some additional miscellaneous variables) in the Carina dwarf spheroidal galaxy over an area covering the full...
  • Reddening curve of IRAS 14026+4341

    A fraction of the heavily reddened quasars require a reddening curve that is even steeper than that of the Small Magellanic Cloud. In this paper, we thoroughly characterize the...
  • Abundance in stars of the outer galactic disk. IV.

    We present radial velocities and chemical abundances for nine stars in the old, distant open clusters Be18, Be21, Be22, Be32, and PWM4. For Be18 and PWM4, these are the first...
  • LITTLE THINGS survey of nearby dwarf galaxies

    We present LITTLE THINGS (Local Irregulars That Trace Luminosity Extremes, The HI Nearby Galaxy Survey), which is aimed at determining what drives star formation in dwarf...
  • Photometry of W UMa eclipsing binaries

    We report on a BVRcIc survey of field W Ursae Majoris (UMa) binary stars and present accurate colors for 606 systems that have been observed on at least three photometric nights...
  • Spectroscopy of star-forming regions in NGC 4194

    We report the results of long-slit spectroscopy at position angles 68{deg}, 131{deg}, and 164{deg} for the minor-merger NGC 4194, a luminous infrared starburst galaxy. The mass...
  • Reddenings for the MACHO bulge RR0 Lyrae stars

    We present mean reddenings toward 3525 RR0 Lyrae stars from the Galactic bulge fields of the MACHO Survey. These reddenings are determined using the color at minimum V-band...
  • KISS emission-line galaxy candidates

    Spectroscopic observations for 315 emission-line galaxy (ELG) candidates from the KPNO International Spectroscopic Survey (KISS) have been obtained using the MDM Observatory...
  • UBV photometry of LMC OB associations

    Using ultraviolet photometry from the Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (UIT) combined with photometry and spectroscopy from three ground-based optical data sets we have analyzed...
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