79 datasets found

Keywords: brown dwarfs

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  • New substellar discoveries from Kepler and K2

    We present the discoveries of a brown dwarf (BD) and a low-mass star from the Kepler and K2 missions. The newly discovered BD is EPIC 212036875b and the low-mass star is...
  • Discoveries from the NEOWISE proper motion survey

    We present low-resolution near-infrared spectra of discoveries from an all-sky proper motion search conducted using multi-epoch data from the Wide-field Infrared Survey...
  • The first 300 stars observed by the GPIES

    We present a statistical analysis of the first 300 stars observed by the Gemini Planet Imager Exoplanet Survey. This subsample includes six detected planets and three brown...
  • Cloud Atlas: HST/WFC3 NIR spectral library

    Bayesian atmospheric retrieval tools can place constraints on the properties of brown dwarfs' and hot Jupiters' atmospheres. To fully exploit these methods, high signal-to-noise...
  • New young stars and brown dwarfs in Upper Sco

    To improve the census of the Upper Sco association (~11 Myr, ~145 pc), we have identified candidate members using parallaxes, proper motions, and color-magnitude diagrams from...
  • Properties of massive giant planets & brown dwarfs

    We present thermodynamic material and transport properties for the extreme conditions prevalent in the interiors of massive giant planets and brown dwarfs. They are obtained...
  • Four new eclipsing mid M-dwarf systems from MEarth

    Using data from the MEarth-North and MEarth-South transit surveys, we present the detection of eclipses in four mid M-dwarf systems: LP 107-25, LP 261-75, LP 796-24, and LP...
  • TBOSS Survey. II. ALMA continuum observations

    We report 885 {mu}m ALMA continuum flux densities for 24 Taurus members spanning the stellar/substellar boundary with spectral types from M4 to M7.75. Of the 24 systems, 22 are...
  • Analysis of the NIR spectra of neighboring L dwarfs

    Discrepancies between competing optical and near-infrared (NIR) spectral typing systems for L dwarfs have motivated us to search for a classification scheme that ties the...
  • RVs of the late-T dwarf GL 758 B host star

    Gl 758 B is a late-T dwarf orbiting a metal-rich Sun-like star at a projected separation of {rho}~1.6" (25 au). We present four epochs of astrometry of this system with NIRC2 at...
  • Planetary-mass brown dwarfs in the Taurus SFR

    We present the initial results from a survey for planetary-mass brown dwarfs in the Taurus star-forming region. We have identified brown dwarf candidates in Taurus using proper...
  • RV measurements for 12 stars

    The observed scarcity of brown dwarfs in close orbits (within 10AU) around solar-type stars has posed significant questions about the origins of these substellar companions....
  • Southern extrasolar planets CORALIE survey. XIX

    A historical planet-search on a sample of 1647 nearby southern main sequence stars has been ongoing since 1998 with the CORALIE spectrograph at La Silla Observatory, with a...
  • 8 TOI RV curves and 2 TOI light curves

    The detection and characterization of exoplanets and brown dwarfs around massive AF-type stars is essential to investigate and constrain the impact of stellar mass on planet...
  • Lithium depletion boundary in stellar assoc.

    Stellar ages are key to improving our understanding of different astrophysical phenomena. However, many techniques to estimate stellar ages are highly model-dependent. The...
  • 54 massive companions detected with SOPHIE

    Brown-dwarfs (BD) are substellar objects with masses intermediate between planets and stars within about 13-80M_J_. While isolated brown-dwarfs are most likely produced by...
  • L9-T3.5 brown dwarfs light curves

    Brown dwarfs in the spectral range L9-T3.5, within the so called L/T transition, have been shown to be variable at higher amplitudes and with greater frequency than other field...
  • sigma Ori GTC+INT spectroscopy

    Only a few open clusters are as important for the study of stellar and substellar objects, and their formation and evolution, as the young sigma Orionis cluster. However, a...
  • Gaia Ultra-Cool Dwarf candidates IR spectra

    The local census of very low-mass stars and brown dwarfs is crucial to improving our understanding of the stellar-substellar transition and their formation history. These...
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