Field induced spin Luttinger liquid phase in a spin ladder
Spin ladders present a class of low dimensional quantum magnets that occupy a regime of subtle behaviour which lies between the stark extremes of a one-dimensional chain or... -
The role of spin-orbit interaction on Group-III-trisquinolates
Spin based electronics (spintronics) is one of the most exciting and challenging areas in nanotechnology. It is expected to be of major scientific and social impact. Very little... -
The structure-magnetism relationship in hydrogen bonded coordination polymers
Gaining control of the building blocks of magnetic materials will enable the design and growth of bespoke magnetic devices. However, the ability to tune the magnetic... -
Rotor dynamics in an organic quantum spin liquid candidate
Mimicking the motion of functional biological systems has become possible as a result of sophisticated modern nanotechnology and materials science.In the layered organic quantum... -
Muonium in alpha-boron
Previous muon experiments have identified a muonium state in the commonly occuring, but complex, beta rhombohedral form of elemental boron. To complement recent theoretical work... -
Interaction of Xe with Membranes Using µSR
The mechanism of action of inhalation anaesthetics such as N2O and the inert gases are unclear. Direct binding to receptor sites on membranes would rely on weak intermolecular... -
Investigation of carrier transport in the organic semiconductor 8-hydroxy-qui...
Using the Emu spectrometer at ISIS we have recently studied charge carrier transport in the technologically important molecule 8-hydroxy-quinoline aluminium, by probing the... -
Novel ground states and spin ordering in iridate pyrochlores
We request four days of beam time to conduct zero and longitudinal field measurements on iridate pyrochlores A2Ir2O7 (A = Y, Lu, Nd) in the temperature range 200 K to 2 K and in... -
Effect of electric field on paramagnetic state formation in molecular semicon...
The effect of electric field on the diamagnetic and paramagetic muon spin rotation signals will be investigated for the organic molecular semiconductors NPB and TPBi . These... -
Antiferromagnetism and Magnetic Frustration in Ba2MnMoO6
We propose to use muon spin relaxation to examine the anomalous magnetic phase behaviour of Ba2MnMoO6. This compound shares the frustrated geometry that leads to a valence bond... -
Cyclic Processes in Mid-Range SiGe Alloys
We propose longitudinal muon spin depolarization measurements to extract the energy for the T-site Mu acceptor level in mid-range SiGe alloys where a direct determination of the... -
Musr studies of the high-distorted double perovskite compounds: La2NaB¿O6 (B¿...
The heat capacity and neutron powder diffraction measurements of the double perovskites La2NaB′O6 (B = Ru5+, Os5+) with S=3/2 on the B¿ reveal an incommensurate magnetic... -
Repolarization of Radicals in Liquids (RB920344)
The recovery of the muon polarization in a longitudinal magnetic field has been used to obtain the muon hfcs of organic radicals. In pure benzene there is a single step in the... -
Probing the nature of pairing in superconducting LiFeAs
The iron-based superconductor LiFeAs exhibits a number of unique features distinguishing it from other materials in its class. As yet, these differences are unexplained. This... -
Understanding Spin Density Variations in Fluorinated TCNQ Adducts
There is a large emphisis on fucntialising materials to create magnetic and electrical materials. Tetracyanoquinodimethane is a famous material discovered in the 1960 and ws... -
Auger recombination in low temperature silicon measured by photo-MuSR technique
We measure electron-hole recombination rate in low-temperature pure silicon using the photo-MuSR technique. The previous works have measured the recombination rate down to -30... -
Low Temperature Properties of a Uniform S=1/2 Triangular Lattice System
It is proposed to use ZF and TF muSR to study the low temperature, low field part of the phase diagram of Ba3CuSb2O9, a system with a uniform triangular lattice of S=1/2 Cu ions... -
Spin dynamics in the Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid system SrCo2V2O8
SrCo2V2O8 is believed to belong to the same rare universality class as Tomonaga-Luttinger liquids, which may be descrived by the 1D XXZ model. In SrCo2V2O8, this is accomplished... -
Investigation of the spin dynamics of Shastry-Sutherland phase in Ce2-xPd2+yI...
The Shastry-Sutherland lattice (SSL) can be described as a 2D square lattice built up from a network of dimers disposed orthogonally and has been observed in SrCu2(BO2)3.... -
Spin-lattice relaxation in holmium-based high symmetry single-molecule magnets
The study of spin-lattice relaxation in mononuclear lanthanide complexes is justified by the potential applications of these so-called single-molecule magnets in quantum...