Metadata and NCBI-Accession numbers of the global Deep-sea Sponge Microbiome ...
The Deep-sea Sponge Microbiome Project is a large-scale study, integrating 16S amplicon sequencing data of seawater, sediment, and sponges, with a large set of ecological and... -
Particulate Neodymium Isotopes and Concentrations in the Western North Atlantic
Particulate neodymium (Nd) isotopes and concentration were measured on samples collected along a transect during cruises PE-319 and PE-321 (R/V Pelagia, NED) in 2010. Samples... -
Dissolved rare earth element distributions and physical oceanographic observa...
We present spatially highly resolved distributions of dissolved seawater REE concentrations ([REE]) along three transects in the zonal (extra-)equatorial current system and the... -
Collection information and identification of Isodictya filiformis (Porifera: ...
We report the first records of the new species Isodictya filiformis (Demospongiae, Poecilosclerida, Isodictyidae) from the Peter I Island, Low Island and Deception Island... -
Collection data and Genbank accession numbers of Stelligeridae revision
Collection data and Genbank accession numbers of demosponge specimens studied by Morrow et al. It includes species belonging to several families: Stelligeridae mainly but also... -
Abundance and biomass of macrofauna in the German Bight from 2016 to 2019
The long-term ecological research benthic monitoring comprises four representative permanent stations (SSd, Slt, FSd and WB) that have been sampled countinuously since 1969. The... -
Abundance and biomass of macrofauna in the German Bight from 2001 to 2011
The long-term ecological research benthic monitoring comprises four representative permanent stations (SSd, Slt, FSd and WB) that have been sampled countinuously since 1969. The... -
Occurrence and abundance of megabenthic organisms collected from dredge catch...
This dataset is a component of the PAN-Arctic data collection of benthic BIOtas (PANABIO) and has been collated during the Census of Marine Life project Arctic Ocean Diversity... -
Abundance and biomass of macrobenthic and megabenthic organisms collected fro...
This dataset is a component of the PAN-Arctic data collection of benthic BIOtas (PANABIO) and has been collated during the Census of Marine Life project Arctic Ocean Diversity... -
Occurrences of epibenthic megafaunal organisms identified in seabed images ta...
This dataset is a component of the PAN-Arctic data collection of benthic BIOtas (PANABIO) and has been collated during the Census of Marine Life project Arctic Ocean Diversity... -
Occurrences of macro- and megabenthic organisms collected during Russian expe...
This dataset is a component of the PAN-Arctic data collection of benthic BIOtas (PANABIO) and has been collated during the Census of Marine Life project Arctic Ocean Diversity... -
Abundances of macrobenthic polychaetes collected from grab samples taken in t...
This dataset is a component of the PAN-Arctic data collection of benthic BIOtas (PANABIO) and has been collated during the Census of Marine Life project Arctic Ocean Diversity... -
Occurrence and abundance records of macrobenthic organisms collected from gra...
This dataset is a component of the PAN-Arctic data collection of benthic BIOtas (PANABIO) and has been collated during the Census of Marine Life project Arctic Ocean Diversity... -
Occurrences of megabenthic organisms collected from Agassiz trawl catches tak...
This dataset is a component of the PAN-Arctic data collection of benthic BIOtas (PANABIO) and has been collated during the Census of Marine Life project Arctic Ocean Diversity... -
Occurrences of megabenthic organisms collected from Agassiz trawl catches tak...
This dataset is a component of the PAN-Arctic data collection of benthic BIOtas (PANABIO) and has been collated during the Census of Marine Life project Arctic Ocean Diversity... -
Biomass of megabenthic organisms collected from beam trawl catches taken in C...
This dataset is a component of the PAN-Arctic data collection of benthic BIOtas (PANABIO) and has been collated during the Census of Marine Life project Arctic Ocean Diversity... -
Abundance and biomass of macrobenthic organisms collected from van Veen grab ...
This dataset is a component of the PAN-Arctic data collection of benthic BIOtas (PANABIO) and has been collated during the Census of Marine Life project Arctic Ocean Diversity... -
Biomass of megabenthic organisms collected from otter trawl catches taken in ...
This dataset is a component of the PAN-Arctic data collection of benthic BIOtas (PANABIO) and has been collated during the Census of Marine Life project Arctic Ocean Diversity... -
Occurrence and biomass of macrobenthic organisms collected from multicorer sa...
This dataset is a component of the PAN-Arctic data collection of benthic BIOtas (PANABIO). It contains a total of 445 presence or wet biomass records of 141 macrobenthic taxa... -
Occurrence of macrobenthic organisms collected from van Veen grab samples tak...
This dataset is a component of the PAN-Arctic data collection of benthic BIOtas (PANABIO) and has been collated during the Census of Marine Life project Arctic Ocean Diversity...