689 datasets found

Keywords: ultraviolet astronomy

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  • [Mg/Fe] and [Ca/Fe] abundances of XSL

    The X-shooter Spectral Library (XSL) is a large empirical stellar library used as a benchmark for the development of stellar population models. The inclusion of alpha-elements...
  • FUV imaging of Dorado galaxies

    We are investigating the star formation in galaxies of the actively evolving Dorado group where, for a large fraction of both early- and late-type galaxies, signatures of...
  • MUSE-Wide+MUSE-Deep EWs of Lyman{alpha} emitters

    The hydrogen Lyman{alpha} line is often the only measurable feature in optical spectra of high-redshift galaxies. Its shape and strength are influenced by radiative transfer...
  • Chandra view of the LX-LUV relation in quasars

    We present a study of the relation between X-rays and ultraviolet emission in quasars for a sample of broad-line, radio-quiet objects obtained from the cross-match of the Sloan...
  • MUSE Catalog of UV emission line measurement

    Rest-frame ultraviolet (UV) emission lines probe electron densities, gas-phase abundances, metallicities, and ionization parameters of the emitting star-forming galaxies and...
  • O(3P) + H2(v, j)-->OH + H:OH reactions

    The reaction between atomic oxygen and molecular hydrogen is an important one in astrochemistry as it regulates the abundance of the hydroxyl radical and serves to open the...
  • The C^+^ ion photofragment spectra

    Carbon monoxide (CO) is one of the most abundant molecular species in comets. Its photodissociation by the solar radiation in the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) region produces...
  • Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko FUV aurora

    We aim to determine whether dissociative excitation of cometary neutralsby electron impact is the major source of far-ultraviolet (FUV) emissions at comet...
  • Solar spectral irradiance during Solar Cycle 24

    Solar spectral irradiance (SSI) is the wavelength-dependent energy input to the top of the Earth's atmosphere. Solar ultraviolet (UV) irradiance represents the primary forcing...
  • J-PLUS Ly{alpha}-emitting candidates

    We present the photometric determination of the bright-end of the Ly{alpha} luminosity function (at L_Ly{alpha}>~10^43.5^erg/s) within four redshifts windows...
  • Mean rest-UV spectra of Ly{alpha} emitters at z>3

    We investigate the ultraviolet (UV) spectral properties of faint Lyman{alpha} emitters (LAEs) in the redshift range 2.9<=z<=4.6 and provide material to prepare future...
  • VUDS UV and Ly{alpha} luminosity functions

    The star formation rate density (SFRD) evolution presents an area of great interest in the studies of galaxy evolution and reionization. The current constraints of SFRD at...
  • Fluctuations of UV background from GALEX

    The all sky survey run by the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX AIS) mapped about 85 % of the Galaxy at ultraviolet (UV) wavelengths and detected the diffuse UV background...
  • Reduced X-shooter spectra of GRB 190114A

    We report the detections of molecular hydrogen (H_2_), vibrationally-excited H_2_ (H_2_), and neutral atomic carbon (CI), an efficient tracer of molecular gas, in two new...
  • EUV irradiances of the quiet Sun

    We benchmark new atomic data against a selection of irradiances obtained from medium-resolution quiet-Sun spectra in the extreme ultraviolet (EUV), from 60 to 1040{AA}. We used...
  • SDSS J151349.52+035211.28 Xshooter spectra

    We present the detection and detailed analysis of a diffuse molecular cloud at z_abs_=2.4636 towards the quasar SDSS J151349.52+035211.28 (hereafter J1513+0352) (zem~=2.68)...
  • Cas A LOFAR and VLA images

    Cassiopeia A is one of the best-studied supernova remnants. Its bright radio and X-ray emission is due to shocked ejecta. Cas A is rather unique in that the unshocked ejecta can...
  • SOLAR/SOLSPEC Spectral Irradiance - 0.5-3000nm

    Since April 5, 2008 and up to February 15, 2017, the SOLar SPECtrometer (SOLSPEC) instrument of the SOLAR payload on board the International Space Station (ISS) has performed...
  • VUV absorption cross section of CO_2_

    We quantify the temperature dependency of the VUV absorption cross section of carbon dioxide. The VUV absorption cross section of CO_2_ increases with the temperature. The...
  • Full spectrum of Proxima Centauri

    The discovery of Proxima b, a terrestrial temperate planet, presents the opportunity of studying a potentially habitable world in optimal conditions. A key aspect to model its...
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