98 datasets found

Keywords: stellar populations

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  • A catalog of 518 likely open cluster NGC 6405 members

    This paper presents a combined method of Gaussian mixture model and random forest to compute membership probabilities of stars by using large, high-dimensional data sets. A...
  • Stellar population of the young star cluster NGC 6231

    NGC 6231 is a young cluster (age ~2-7 Myr) dominating the Sco OB1 association (distance ~1.59 kpc) with ~100 O and B stars and a large pre-main-sequence stellar population. We...
  • Spectroscopy of galaxies in z=0.2-0.9 clusters

    We present an analysis of stellar populations in passive galaxies in seven massive X-ray clusters at z=0.19-0.89. Based on absorption-line strengths measured from our high...
  • SMASH: Survey of the MAgellanic Stellar History

    The Large and Small Magellanic Clouds are unique local laboratories for studying the formation and evolution of small galaxies in exquisite detail. The Survey of the MAgellanic...
  • Pleiades members stellar properties

    Precise measurements of eclipsing binary parameters and statistical studies of young clusters have suggested that some magnetically active low-mass dwarfs possess radii inflated...
  • Antennae galaxies (NGC 4038/4039) revisited

    The Advanced Camera for Surveys and the Near Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer (NICMOS) have been used to obtain new Hubble Space Telescope images of NGC 4038/4039...
  • List of SEGUE plate pairs

    The Sloan Extension for Galactic Understanding and Exploration (SEGUE) Survey obtained ~240000 moderate-resolution (R~1800) spectra from 3900{AA} to 9000{AA} of fainter Milky...
  • Washington photometry of Bootes I stars

    We present Washington CT_1_T_2_ photometry of a field central to the Bootes I dwarf spheroidal galaxy, which was discovered as a stellar overdensity in the Sloan Digital Sky...
  • HST photometry of stars in NGC 2419

    We present an analysis of optical and ultraviolet Hubble Space Telescope photometry for evolved stars in the core of the distant massive globular cluster NGC 2419. We...
  • SEGUE stellar parameter pipeline. III.

    We report high-resolution spectroscopy of 125 field stars previously observed as part of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and its program for Galactic studies, the Sloan Extension...
  • SEGUE stellar parameter pipeline. II.

    We validate the accuracy and precision of the current SEGUE (Sloan Extension for Galactic Understanding and Exploration) Stellar Parameter Pipeline (SSPP), which determines...
  • UBV photometry in 5 fields of the LMC

    We present UBV photometry of four fields within Shapley Constellation III and one field on the edge of the shell. Our fields cover roughly 20% of the region, mostly in the...
  • Orion Nebula Cluster population

    We report on the first phase of a study of the stellar population comprising the Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC). Approximately 50% of the ~3500 stars identified to date within...
  • NGC 205 BVRI photometry

    BVRI/CCD photometry of ~2,300 stars in the central 2.2'x3.5' area of the dwarf elliptical galaxy NGC205 in the Local Group is presented. The color-magnitude diagrams of NGC 205...
  • VI photometry near the M33 nucleus

    We have studied the stellar populations near the nucleus of the nearby spiral galaxy M33 using archival observations of the Hubble Space Telescope Planetary Camera in the F555W...
  • Proper motion stars survey. XII.

    We report new photometry and radial velocities for almost 500 stars from the Lowell Proper Motion Catalog. We combine these results with our prior sample and rederive stellar...
  • Proper motions in ESO 207, 439, 440

    Proper motion stars have been identified from red IIIaF ESO Schmidt plates. This catalogue includes stars found in ESO Areas 207, 439, and 440 having mu >= 0.1 arcsec/yr....
  • JHK photometry of Galactic center stars

    We present K-counts and JHK detailed photometry for a number of stars with K<=+9.0 in three clear regions near the galactic centre. These regions are all located...
  • Members for 41 open clusters

    The Li abundance observed in pre-main sequence and main sequence late-type stars is strongly age-dependent, but also shows a complex pattern depending on several parameters,...
  • Identification of globular cluster escaped stars

    Globular clusters (GCs), as old as our Galaxy, constantly lose their members to the field as they cross through the Milky Way (MW). These GC escaped stars (or escapees) are...
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