Evolution of complex surface structures in LAS / nonionic surfactant mixtures
This proposal is part of a broad programme of collaborative research between RAL / Oxford and Unilever, using predominantly scattering techniques to investigate the nature of... -
Encapsulation of hydrophobic species in mixed micelles in polymer solutions
This proposal continues our investigations into film-forming polyelectrolyte-surfactant solutions. We have found that mixed micelle systems offer greater control over micelle... -
Multi-catalyst ensembles - aggregation structure and selectivity
There is exciting potential for SANS to resolve an important problem in homogeneous catalyst chemistry. The Pd-chiral catalyst 1+ below has significant pan-industrial potential... -
The gas-phase oxidation of mixed organic films at the air-water interface ¿ t...
The Earth¿s climate is strongly influenced by clouds. The oxidative processing of pollutants in clouds affects cloud droplet size and optical properties, important climatic...