Photometry of polar CV* 1RXS J173006.4+033813
We report the discovery of 1RXS J173006.4+033813, a polar cataclysmic variable with a period of 120.21 minutes. The white dwarf primary has a magnetic field of B=42^+6^-5_MG and... -
ChaMPlane deep galactic bulge survey. I.
We have carried out a deep X-ray and optical survey with Chandra and HST of low-extinction regions in the Galactic bulge. Here we present the results of a search for... -
Cataclysmic variables in the 2MASS 2IDR
Cataclysmic variables (CVs) have "traditionally" been observed primarily at short wavelengths because accretion-generated luminosity, which peaks in the optical-ultraviolet,... -
Recent photometry of symbiotic stars
We present new multicolour (U,B,V,Rc,Ic) photometric observations of classical symbiotic stars, EG And, Z And, BF Cyg, CH Cyg, CI Cyg, V1329 Cyg, TX CVn, AG Dra, Draco C1, AG... -
Cataclysmic variables in the ZTF 1st-yr (2018-2019)
Using selection criteria based on amplitude, time, and color, we have identified 329 objects as known or candidate cataclysmic variables (CVs) during the first year of testing... -
Magnetic CVs spectra & other variable objects II.
This is the second paper of a series presenting our search for magnetic cataclysmic variables (mCVs) among candidates selected mostly from the Catalina Real-Time Transient... -
High-time-resolution photometry of AR Scorpii
The unique binary AR Scorpii consists of an asynchronously rotating, magnetized white dwarf (WD) that interacts with its red-dwarf companion to produce a large-amplitude, highly... -
2006-2016 CCD photometry of V723 Cassiopeia
We present photometric data of the classical nova, V723 Cas (Nova Cas 1995), over a span of 10 years (2006 through 2016) taken with the 0.9 m telescope at Lowell Observatory,... -
Radial velocities of 6 X-ray cataclysmic binaries
We conducted time-resolved optical spectroscopy and/or time-series photometry of 15 cataclysmic binaries that were discovered in hard X-ray surveys by the Swift Burst Alert... -
A VLA survey of magnetic CVs. I. The data
The Jansky Very Large Array was used to observe 121 magnetic cataclysmic variables (MCVs). We report radio detections of 18 stars. Thirteen are new radio sources, increasing the... -
Magnetic CVs spectra and other variable objects
The increasing number of synoptic surveys made by small robotic telescopes, such as the photometric Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey (CRTS), provides a unique opportunity to... -
Radial velocities of 35 cataclysmic variables
We report follow-up studies of 35 recently discovered cataclysmic variables (CVs), 32 of which were found in large, automated synoptic sky surveys. The objects were selected for... -
Radial velocities of 7 cataclysmic binaries
From a set of 13 cataclysmic binaries that were discovered in the Swift Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) survey, we conducted time-resolved optical spectroscopy and/or time-series... -
Light curve of HR Lyr over 1991-2012
The 22 yr light curve of HR Lyr, acquired with a typical cadence of 2-6 days, is examined for periodic and quasi-periodic variations. No persistent periodicities are revealed.... -
Light curve of V794 Aql over 1990-2012
The 1990-2012 light curve of the nova-like (NL) cataclysmic variable V794 Aql is studied in order to characterize and better understand the transitions to and from the faint... -
Velocity curves of 10 cataclysmic binaries
We report on ground-based optical observations of 10 cataclysmic binaries that were discovered through their X-ray emission. Time-resolved radial velocity spectroscopy yields... -
V light curve of BZ Camelopardalis
Sequences of spectra of the nova-like cataclysmic variable (CV) BZ Cam were acquired on nine nights in 2005-2006 in order to study the time development of episodes of wind... -
Spectroscopy and photometry of CV candidates
The Catalina Real Time Survey (CRTS) has found over 500 cataclysmic variable (CV) candidates, most of which were previously unknown. We report here on follow-up spectroscopy of... -
CVs from SDSS. VIII. The final year
This paper completes the series of cataclysmic variables (CVs) identified from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) I/II. The coordinates, magnitudes, and spectra of 33 CVs are... -
DK Lac V light curves
We report on extensive photometry of DK Lac obtained during the interval 1990-2009, which includes a 2mag low state during 2001-2003. Much of the photometry consists of...