Small Family Firms in Eurasia
The data was collected for the ERC project ´Realising Eurasia: Civilisation and Moral Economy in the 21st Century´. The project examined small family businesses in medium-sized... -
German Internet Panel, Wave 25 - Core Study (September 2016)
The German Internet Panel (GIP) is an infrastructure project. The GIP serves to collect data about individual attitudes and preferences which are relevant for political and... -
Old-Age Insurance in Germany 2011 (ASID ´11)
Detailed information on the income situation and pensions (25 different types of income). Topics: financial security in old age; concerns of elderly people; number and... -
German Internet Panel, Wave 31 - Core Study (September 2017)
The German Internet Panel (GIP) is an infrastructure project. The GIP is used to collect data on individual attitudes and preferences relevant to political and economic... -
People with Low Income (March 2023)
The study on people with low incomes was conducted by Kantar Public on behalf of the Press and Information Office of the Federal Government. During the survey period 01.03.2023... -
Flash Eurobarometer 525 (Monitoring the Level of Financial Literacy in the EU)
Financial literacy of EU citizens. Topics: self-rated knowledge about financial matters compared to other adults in the own country; knowledge test: development of savings with... -
Flash Eurobarometer 523 (Integration of Young People into the Labour Market w...
Experience of young people with traineeships. Topics: time needed to find first work experience; main obstacles to finding first work experience; kind of first work experience:... -
histat - data compilation online: Wages and Salaries (Indices) in Germany 191...
In Deutschland werden seit den 1950er-Jahren amtliche Statistiken über die Löhne und Gehälter, die Arbeitszeiten und die Arbeitskosten durchgeführt. Das lohnstatistische... -
System of Social Indicators for the Federal Republic of Germany: Income and I...
The system of social indicators for the Federal Republic of Germany - developed in its original version as part of the SPES project under the direction of Wolfgang Zapf -... -
System of Social Indicators for the Federal Republic of Germany: Application ...
The system of social indicators for the Federal Republic of Germany - developed in its original version as part of the SPES project under the direction of Wolfgang Zapf -... -
Real Wage and Price Development in Germany, 1991 - 2022
Real wage development Wage increases do not inevitably lead to an increase in disposable income due to inflation rates. To classify wage development, real wages are first... -
Current Questions on the Financial Situation (September 2023)
On behalf of the Press and Information Office of the Federal Government, the opinion research institute forsa conducted a short survey in September 2023 on the attitudes of the... -
Financial Inclusion Index 2023 (Online Survey)
The study on financial inclusion was conducted by Ipsos on behalf of SCHUFA. During the survey period from March to April 2023, German-speaking people aged 16 to 74 living in... -
Database on European System of Social Indicators, 1950-2013
The European System of Social Indicators provides a systematically selected collection of time-series data to measure and monitor individual and societal well-being and selected... -
European System of Social Indicators: Public Safety and Crime, 1980-2013
The European System of Social Indicators provides a systematically selected collection of time-series data to measure and monitor individual and societal well-being and selected... -
Long-Term Savings Program of Workers (Population Survey)
Judgement on various measures to promote a long-term savings program for workers based on employment. Topics: Savings habits and savings motives; forms of savings; amount of... -
Long-Term Savings Program of Workers (Worker Survey)
Extent of long-term savings program among workers. Topics: Receipt of special payments supplementary to agreed union rates and use of this sum of money; interest in employer´s... -
Agricultural Recipients of Retirement Support (1963)
Effects of the law on a retirement program for farmers and socio-economic situation of agricultural recipients of retirement support. Topics: Business management data of... -
Consumer Study
Consumption and savings habits of the population. Topics: Possession of durable consumer goods; acquisition of consumer goods in the last few months; shopping habits; preferred... -
Dealing with Money
Study from the area of money theory. Individual habits of maintaining a budget, chronological sequence of income acquisition and income expenditure as well as payment customs,...