DiabetesPrediktion i Skåne - DiPiS: urvalsstudie
Diabetes Prediction in Skåne, DiPiS aims to investigate why children develop diabetes type 1. By being able to predict which children who will develop diabetes, it may be... -
DiabetesPrediktion i Skåne - DiPiS: uppföljningsstudie
Diabetes Prediction in Skåne, DiPiS aims to investigate why children develop diabetes type 1. By being able to predict which children who will develop diabetes, it may be... -
Sambandet mellan vuxenastma och trafikexponering vid bostadsadress, arbetspla...
This study used GIS (Geographical Information Systems) to estimate traffic exposure, not only on residential, but also on workplace address, in addition to survey questions on... -
Fall- kontrollstudie av riskfaktorer för lymfom - Lymfom fall
The cohort consists of all individuals over 18 years with lymphoma identified from the regional cancer registry in southern Sweden during the years 1990 to 1998. In the first... -
Fall- kontrollstudie av riskfaktorer för lymfom - Lymfom kontroller
The cohort consists of all individuals over 18 years with lymphoma identified from the regional cancer registry in southern Sweden during the years 1990 to 1998. In the first... -
Nationella folkhälsoenkäten, Hälsa på lika villkor - 2004
The Public Health Agency of Sweden annually conducts a national public health survey, Health on Equal Terms, including a sample of 20 000 people aged 16-84 years. The survey,... -
Nationella folkhälsoenkäten, Hälsa på lika villkor - 2005
The Public Health Agency of Sweden annually conducts a national public health survey, Health on Equal Terms, including a sample of 20 000 people aged 16-84 years. The survey,... -
Nationella folkhälsoenkäten, Hälsa på lika villkor - 2006
The Public Health Agency of Sweden annually conducts a national public health survey, Health on Equal Terms, including a sample of 20 000 people aged 16-84 years. The survey,... -
Nationella folkhälsoenkäten, Hälsa på lika villkor - 2007
The Public Health Agency of Sweden annually conducts a national public health survey, Health on Equal Terms, including a sample of 20 000 people aged 16-84 years. The survey,... -
Nationella folkhälsoenkäten, Hälsa på lika villkor - 2008
The Public Health Agency of Sweden annually conducts a national public health survey, Health on Equal Terms, including a sample of 20 000 people aged 16-84 years. The survey,... -
Nationella folkhälsoenkäten, Hälsa på lika villkor - 2009
The Public Health Agency of Sweden annually conducts a national public health survey, Health on Equal Terms, including a sample of 20 000 people aged 16-84 years. The survey,... -
Nationella folkhälsoenkäten, Hälsa på lika villkor - 2010
The Public Health Agency of Sweden annually conducts a national public health survey, Health on Equal Terms, including a sample of 20 000 people aged 16-84 years. The survey,... -
Nationella folkhälsoenkäten, Hälsa på lika villkor - 2011
The Public Health Agency of Sweden annually conducts a national public health survey, Health on Equal Terms, including a sample of 20 000 people aged 16-84 years. The survey,... -
Nationella folkhälsoenkäten, Hälsa på lika villkor - 2012
The Public Health Agency of Sweden annually conducts a national public health survey, Health on Equal Terms, including a sample of 20 000 people aged 16-84 years. The survey,... -
Nationella folkhälsoenkäten, Hälsa på lika villkor - 2013
The Public Health Agency of Sweden annually conducts a national public health survey, Health on Equal Terms, including a sample of 20 000 people aged 16-84 years. The survey,... -
Nationella folkhälsoenkäten, Hälsa på lika villkor - 2014
The Public Health Agency of Sweden annually conducts a national public health survey, Health on Equal Terms, including a sample of 20 000 people aged 16-84 years. The survey,... -
Luftvägssjukdomar - enkät från år 1992
The prevalence of various respiratory diseases are increasing in Scandinavia and also in other parts of the world. In this study, an extensive questionnaire on issues related to... -
Luftvägssjukdomar - enkät från år 2000
The prevalence of various respiratory diseases are increasing in Scandinavia and also in other parts of the world. In this study, an extensive questionnaire on issues related to... -
En doftstudie från det europeiska nätverket för hud och epidemiologi - EDEN-S...
Contact allergy to fragrances appears to be increasing and data on allergy in the general population are limited. The EDEN cohort is a multinational study that involves several... -
Svenska Tvillingregistret
STR has been based at the Karolinska Institutet since 1959, first at the Institution of Hygien and thereafter at Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, MEB. STR was originally...