2027-11-29 - Prince of Songkla University Knowledge Bank - CoreTrustSeal Requ...
CoreTrustSeal certification -
2027-11-29 - The CLARIN Centre at the University of Copenhagen - CoreTrustSea...
CoreTrustSeal certification -
SUSTAIN: SUSTainable Artistic INnovation
SUSTAIN explores the role of Spacemakers: parties that aim to contribute to systemic change by creating space for art in unusual places such as the economy, science, or... -
Longitudinal data on work environments, employee well-being, and business per...
The main purpose of collecting this data was to study the relation between the work-environment at small firms from the Dutch metal industry and employee wellbeing and... -
The Enterprise Architecture Value Assessment Instrument
In the course of my PhD, an instrument to assess the (perceived) value of Enterprise Architecture (EA) has been developed. The instrument consists of three sets of questions:... -
Replication Data for: A reinforcement learning framework for improving parkin...
Replication package for “A reinforcement learning framework for improving parking decisions in last-mile delivery”. Abstract: "This study leverages simulation-optimisation with... -
2027-11-13 - NIDA Wisdom Repository - CoreTrustSeal Requirements 2020-2022
CoreTrustSeal certification -
Replication package for "Existence of the Wealth-Consumption Ratio in Asset P...
The paper provides conditions on how to show existence and uniqueness in modern asset pricing models. The replication package provides codes for computing the conditions for a... -
Transcripts BMO thesis Sijmen Fokker
Msc. Thesis, qualitative research into value chain collaboration, dynamic capaiblities and sustainble development. Companies interviewed are part of the protein transition.... -
PRISMA and PRISMA abstracts checklists
PRISMA and PRISMA abstracts checklists for SLR on Inspiration Date Submitted: 2023-01-24 -
PRISMA and PRISMA abstracts checklists
PRISMA and PRISMA Abstracts Checklists Date Submitted: 2023-01-23 -
PRISMA and PRISMA abstracts checklists
Inspiration SLR Date Submitted: 2023-01-17 -
Needs assessment regarding role fulfilment of nursing teamleaders
This dataset contains the transcripts of 49 semi-structured interviews with nursing teamleaders (n=23) and the nurses in their teams (n=29), regarding the way in which... -
Project Onderwijs en Arbeidsmarkt tot 2020
Deze dataset bevat het statische bronbestand 2015 van de tabellen uit het ArbeidsmarktInformatieSysteem (AIS) van ROA. In het Relationveld vindt u een link naar de online... -
GDL Area database 3.0.0
The GDL Area Database (www.globaldatalab.org/areadata) presents socioeconomic, health, and demographic development indicators at the level of sub-national areas (provinces,... -
Arbeidsvraagpanel 1989 t/m 2016 - Aanvulling Pakket I
Het Arbeidsvraagpanel is een vragenlijstonderzoek onder vestigingen van werkgevers in Nederland. Het bestaat sinds 1989. Sindsdien worden iedere twee jaar opnieuw werkgevers... -
MFS II Joint Evaluations - Indonesia 2012-2014
This research is part of the joint MFS II evaluations of development interventions which involved 8 evaluations at country level, including Indonesia. MFS... -
Replication Data for: The governance of gig platform organizations in develop...
The research focuses on local ride-hailing platform organizations in sub-Saharan Africa and it explores the governance mechanisms they deployed to address the institutional... -
“The Bullwhip Effect in Servitized Manufacturers" Replication Package
This study provides empirical evidence on how manufacturers’ service offerings impact demand variability and intrafirm bullwhip effects. -
2027-10-22 - Data@UNIMI - CoreTrustSeal Requirements 2023-2025
CoreTrustSeal certification