Pollen analysis of sediment profile DEK from Degersee
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Pollen analysis of sediment profile BELQ300IV from Belauer See
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Pollen analysis of sediment profile HAE3 from Hämelsee
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Pollen analysis of sediment profile AUL00 from Steeger See
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Pollen analysis of sediment profile WAS0 from Schloss See
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Pollen analysis of sediment profile RU1 from Ruschweiler See
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Pollen analysis of sediment profile KAIX_B from Kaiserwinkel
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Down-core sediment relative abundances of Cladocera species (fossil integrati...
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Relative abundances of Cladocera species in sweep net (summer epilimnetic com...
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Cladocera counts of sediment core from Lake Bayan Nuur
Cladocera analysis 25 samples from lake Bayan Nuur (Core BN2016-1) were prepared for сladoceran analysis using the methods described in Korhola and Rautio (2001,... -
Cladoceran analysis of sediment core 17-Ya-01 from a anonymous lake in the Ya...
Cladocerans are very promising for studying climate change risks owing to their inherently predictive nature. For paleoecological study, one sediment core (17-Ya-01) was sampled... -
Cladocera analysis of sediment core Co1410
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Cladoceran remains from the bottom sediments of Lake Lebedinoe (Yamalo-Nenets...
Cladocerans are widely used as an indicator group in paleoecological studies: their exoskeleton remains accumulate in bottom sediments and can be helpful in inferring the... -
Subfossil Cladocera from a sediment core of small thermokarst Lake in Pechora...
Subfossil Cladocera remains were examined from small thermorkarst Lake 17-PE-03 (68.183967 N, 53.808247 E, Pechora Delta, Nenets Autonomous Region, Russia) from one core (48...