Magnetic Excitations of Cobalt Oxide
Cobalt Oxide has the face centered cubic structure above the antiferromagnetic transition of 300 K. The magnetic moments are composed of both spin and orbital contributions.... -
MAPS commissioning (short)
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Dynamic spin correlation length in the hedgehog spin vortex phase and superco...
Magnetism is believed to play an important role in many quantum phenomena such as superconductivity and nematicity in iron-based superconductors. One of the signatures is that... -
Magnetic Excitations of a New Heisenberg-Kitaev Quantum Spin Ice Candidate
We propose to measure the magnetic excitation spectrum of the potential Kitaev spin liquid compound Li2RhO3. Moderate spin orbit coupling in the Rh4+ ion is expected to results... -
Explore the spectrum of spin excitations in non-superconducting BaFe1.8Ni0.1C...
Recently, our neutron scattering experiments on electron doped BaFe2-xNixAs2 and hole doped Ba1-xKxFe2As2 suggest that the presence of both high-energy spin excitations giving... -
Vibrational density of states for GeO2, an archetypal ¿strong¿ network glass
The object of this proposal is to measure the partial vibrational density of states (VDOS) within the incoherent approximation for the archetypal 'strong' network forming glass... -
Inelastic Neutron Scattering study on new tetragonal compound Ce2PdGe3
Cerium-based Kondo lattice compounds have received great attention, owing mostly to the variety of exotic ground states that they exhibit (e.g., unconventional... -
Study of phonon density of states in PGEC titanate thermoelectrics
To understand the thermal conductivity suppression within PGEC titanate oxide thermoelectrics we hope to complement theoretical calculations performed on several perovskites... -
Low-dimensional glasses: Effect of occupational site disorder in the excess o...
The present scientific case concerns a glass-forming system with even less degrees of freedom, namely the occupational disorder of high-temperature phase (I, P21/c) of... -
Inelastic magnetic excitations in NaFe0.95Co0.05As (Tc~17 K)
Though NaFeAs shares the same crystallographic structure with LiFeAs, there are many different aspects between them. We would like to compare the magnetic excitation in it with... -
Spin gap opening associated with an extraordinary magnetovolume effect in som...
We have discovered an unusual magnetovolume effect in the 6H-perovskite oxides Ba3BiIr2O9 and Ba3BiRu2O9. These compounds contain isolated face-sharing bi-octahedral dimers... -
Magnetic interactions in honeycomb iridates Na2IrO3
We propose to study the magnetic excitation spectrum of Na2IrO3 with inelastic neutron scattering. Na2IrO3 is a promising candidate to realize Kitaev interaction. By mapping out... -
High-energy excitations in charge and orbital ordered La0.5Sr1.5MnO4
The colossal magnetoresistance effect in manganites arises from a competition between delocalisation, which favours a ferromagnetic metallic phase, and localisation of electons... -
Doping-induced energy gap in a quantum spin chain
SrCuO2 is a prototypical S = 1/2 antiferromagnetic (AF) Heisenberg 1D spin chain system. High-resolution neutron scattering studies has already successfully revealed the gapless... -
Vibrational Dynamics of Alkali Silicate Glasses - An Isotopic Mass Contrast S...
The present proposal is part of a larger EPSRC project advancing the vibrational spectroscopy of silicate glasses. The project involves the techniques of IR and Raman... -
Magnetic excitations in mesoporous hematite
We have recently prepared mesoporous forms of various metals oxides. In some cases the imposition of a mesostructure changes other properties of the material significantly. One... -
Magnetic excitations in Ca3(Ru[1-x]Ti[x])2O7: Investigating the role of SOC i...
With this experiment we aim to investigate the role of spin orbit coupling (SOC) in 4d transition metal oxides.In previous inelastic neutron scattering experiments on the parent... -
Investigating the excitation spectrum of a single-band Hubbard model compound...
The single band Hubbard model is considerably the simplest effective model that includes both the delocalizing/hopping energy and the on-site interaction for describing strongly... -
Inelastic neutron scattering study of the metallic toroidal system UNi4B
There is considerable interest in understanding the magnetoelectric effect with the aim of developing technological applications. Until recently this has been limited to... -
The partial vibrational density of states for As2Se3 glass
The method of Se isotope substitution with inelastic neutron scattering will be used to measure the partial VDOS for As2Se3 glass. This is a prototypical network forming...