Dynamical Transitions in the Ogg Glasses
We request 4 days on IRIS to study the temperature dependance of the structural dynamics in amorphous sodium-ammonia (Na-NH3). This will be the first investigation of the... -
The dynamics of water in halloysite nanotubes
Water is important in many scientific and technological areas, yet our understanding of this remarkable liquid remains very incomplete. In may cases, it is the properties of... -
Magnetic structure of heavily Fermion TbxYb1-xAgGe
YbAgGe has an enhanced electronic specific heat coefficient and two magnetic phase transitions at TM1=0.8K and TM2=0.65K. We have grown a series of TbxYb1-xAgGe and YbAgGe... -
Correlation of structures, compositions and magnetism of copper-deficient lay...
This is part of a larger experiment which will investigate three related systems which contain copper deficient anti-fluorite-type copper sulfide layers. The overall aim is to... -
Magnetism, structure and superconductivity in Sr1¿xNaxFe2As2 (OSIRIS)
We will use the high resolution of HRPD and the excellent long d-spacing data available on OSIRIS to investigate the phase transitions in Sr1-xNaxFe2As2 which are associated... -
SANS studies of Amphotec (aggregates of amphotericin-cholesteryl sulfate)
The anti-fungal agent amphotericin B (AmB) can be administered to patients in aqueous solution complexed with cholesteryl sulfate (CS), and this formulation helps to minimise... -
Dynamical Transitions in the Ogg Glasses
We request 4 days on IRIS to study the temperature dependance of the structural dynamics in amorphous sodium-ammonia (Na-NH3). This will be the first investigation of the... -
Correlation of structure and magnetic ordering with composition in layered co...
We propose to use OSIRIS to determine the magnetic structures of a series of cobalt oxysulfides containing Co in square planar coordination. Several compositions... -
Magnetic structure of heavily Fermion TbxYb1-xAgGe
YbAgGe has an enhanced electronic specific heat coefficient and two magnetic phase transitions at TM1=0.8K and TM2=0.65K. We have grown a series of TbxYb1-xAgGe and YbAgGe... -
Structures and magnetism of layered cobalt oxide selenide tellurides
This proposal aims to exploit the high resolution of HRPD and OSIRIS to probe the structures of the solid solution Ba2CoO2Cu2(Te1-xSex)2. The compound Ba2CoO2Cu2Te2 shows... -
Li-ion diffusion in the solid electrolyte LLT
The high voltage and energy density has made lithium-ion batteries ubiquitous in portable electronics, such as iPods, laptops and mobile phones. At present, they are typically... -
Spin Frustration in a Novel Molecular FeIII_7 Propeller
The hepta-nuclear Fe(III) title compound Fe7 exhibits a unique antiferromagnetic exchange topology reminiscent of a three-bladed propeller, giving rise to spin frustration, also... -
The Effects of Zeolite Expansion on Molecular Diffusion
Zeolites are porous materials that can absorb other molecules, which makes them useful in a number of fields. When they absorb molecules, they change size, either shrinking or... -
Structures and magnetism of chemical and electrochemical deintercalates of la...
We propose to use OSIRIS to investigate the changes in magnetic ordering which occur when a series of layered oxysulfides with mixed-valent Mn ions in their oxide layers are... -
Ceramide conformational thermotropic behaviour within the skins long periodi...
The stratum corneum layer of the skin acts as a barrier between the body and the external environment. This is achieved by corneocytes encased in a lamellar lipid matrix, which...