In-situ High Temperature Studies of BiFeO3 in a Stabilising Oxygen Atmosphere
The drive to find novel materials for applications such as data storage has led to a resurgence in research into multiferroic materials. Bismuth ferrite is the most widely... -
Crystal and Magnetic Structures of Ba2BTeO6 (B=Cu, Ni, Zn)
Ba2CuTeO6 and Ba2NiTeO6 are compounds with structures related to that of the proposed spin liquid Ba3CuSb2O9. The space group and nature of the B-site ordering in Ba3CuSb2O9... -
Understanding negative compressibility in KMn[Ag(CN)2]3
Negative linear compressibility (NLC) is the phenomenon whereby at least one of the linear dimensions of a material actually expand under hydrostatic pressure. It is only... -
Intermediate length scale dynamics of water
We want to investigate the collective dynamics of water at intermediate length scales (below the first structure factor peak and approaching the hydrodynamic range). To... -
Neutron Diffraction Study of a Spin-1/2 Pyrochlore Lu2Mo2O5N2
Ammonolysis of R2Mo2O7 pyrochlores gives R2Mo2O5N2 containing S = ½ Mo5+. They are excellent candidate materials for investigation of quantum spin liquid phenomena and we have... -
Study of the magnetic structure of BaSrMg2Fe12O22: a candidate room temperatu...
Multiferroic materials, where there is a strong coupling between magnetic and electric order parameters, offer a route to novel voltage-controlled spintronics. Y-type... -
Impact of Jahn-Teller Distortions in Sr0.5Pr0.5MnO3
We propose to use the HRPD to establish the sequence of structures, and the nature of the transitions between these, in two complex manganites Sr0.5Pr0.5MnO3 and... -
The magnetic structure of an A- site and B-site ordered perovskite: CaCu3Fe2O...
Recently, double perovskites have attracted enormous attention. Now, we have successfully synthesized a quadruple perovskite compound which shows not only one but, both, A-site... -
Neutron scattering study on the honeycomb Heisenberg-Kitaev magnet alpha-RuCl3
The experimental realization of a Heisenberg-Kitaev model on the honeycomb lattice has been a major topic in a condensed matter physics, because the model predict a novel... -
Resolving crystal structure of Heavy Fermion system
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One- and multi-magnon excitations in a strong-leg quantum spin ladder
We propose to measure the one- and multi-magnon excitations in the first realization of a S=1/2 quantum spin ladder in the strong-leg regime. Our material, DIMPY, has very well... -
Magnetic field switching of electric polarisation in Y-type Hexaferrites
The magnetoelectric Y-type hexaferrites demonstrate coupling between magnetism and electric polarisation in relatively small applied magnetic fields, and are hence candidate... -
Uptake of Molecular Hydrogen by High-performance Carbon Nanostructures (IRIS)
High sorption capacities and enhanced interaction strengths are the two most fundamental prerequisites for the deployment of carbon-based materials as hydrogen-storage media. In... -
Magneto-elasticity, metamagnetism and the magnetic cooling potential of Fe2P-...
We wish to trace the changes in lattice parameters and atomic coordinates around the first and second order Curie transitions of Fe2P and boron (11B)-doped Fe2P0.95,B0.05... -
Exploration of the microscopic origins of thermal anomalies observed in molec...
It is a well established fact that several molecular liquids experiences a series of thermal anomalies as measured by microscopic and macroscopic techniques. A remarkable case... -
Understanding the formation of diamonds: Calibrating the coesite solid-inclus...
Diamonds provide our only direct samples of the very deep Earth and understanding their origin is consequently of great interest to Earth Scientists. The origin of diamonds can... -
Melting point dynamics of Confined fluids
This proposal aims to investigate the dynamics of the melting transition in H2O and CO2 when confined in a vycor (SiO2) matrix. The field of fluids in confined geometries is... -
Isotopologue commisioning
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What is the Room Temperature Structure of NaTaO3?
The current proposal seeks to establish the origin of t non-perovskite-like peak splitting observed in HRPD data for NaTaO3. It is our hypothesis that this is a result of the... -
CaTiO3 cooling from 291 K 30-130 ms jaws 15*20
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