High-resolution phonon spectra of silicon nitride phases
Silicon nitride is a mechanically tough and light-weight ceramic material able to withstand high temperatures. It is therefore becoming increasingly attractive for use in... -
Hydrogen Uptake by Pillared Graphite Oxides
High sorption capacities and enhanced interaction strengths are the two most fundamental prerequisites for the deployment of carbon-based materials as hydrogen-storage media. In... -
What is the Room Temperature Structure of NaTaO3?
The current proposal seeks to establish the origin of t non-perovskite-like peak splitting observed in HRPD data for NaTaO3. It is our hypothesis that this is a result of the... -
What is the Room Temperature Structure of NaTaO3?
The current proposal seeks to establish the origin of t non-perovskite-like peak splitting observed in HRPD data for NaTaO3. It is our hypothesis that this is a result of the... -
CaTiO3 cooling from 291 K 30-130 ms jaws 15*20
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Polycarbonate and tetramethyl bisphenol A polycarbonate
The miscibility of polycarbonates (PC) with polystyrene (PS) appears to be closely related to chain dynamics. Among all polycarbonates, tetramethyl bisphenol-A polycarbonate... -
The effect of redox on the substitution mechanism of Ti in meteoritic hibonite
We request 3 days of beam-time on HRPD to identify the substitution mechanism of Ti3+ and Ti4+ in synthetic hibonites [CaAl12O19]. The experiment forms part of a larger... -
The role of Disorder in Phase Transitions in some manganese Perovskites
The aim of this work is to understand the origin of the difference in the behaviour between the two doped manganites Sr0.65Pr0.35MnO3 and Sr0.70Ce0.30MnO3. The hypothesis we... -
Molecular and framework dynamics in CH3NH3PbCl3
We propose to use MARI to measure the molecular and framework dynamics in CH3NH3PbCl3 which has become of interest in the context of efficient photovoltaics. CH3NH3PbCl3 is... -
QENS studies of molecular hydrogen in K-doped electrospun graphite nanofibres
The physisorptive capability of graphite-based nanomaterials for hydrogen is strongly dependent on their surface areas and nanomorphologies. We have made electrospun graphite... -
Investigation of two frustrated quantum magnets with a novel interaction scheme
The isostructural compounds ACuTe2O6 (A=Sr, Pb) consist of a 3-dimensional arrangement of spin-1/2 Cu ions. There are 3 potentially strong interactions, the first neighbor... -
Investigation of the low temperature phases of SrSnO3
The present proposal is to examine the low temperature structural properties of SrSnO3 using the HRPD. This work aims to examine the structural basis for the unusual low... -
Multiferroic (Ferroelastic/Magnetic) Phase Transitions in KMnF3
KMnF3 perovskite undergoes 3 structural, and two magnetic phase transitions on cooling from 300 K to 2 K. Above 185 K the compound is in the aristotype structure, on cooling... -
Nuclear Dynamics in Methylammonium Lead Iodide, One Atom at a Time
Methylammonium lead iodide is currently one of the most promising materials for solar energy applications, with light-conversion efficiencies exceeding 20%. Although insightful,... -
A total scattering study of the phase transitions in the hybrid organic-inorg...
Hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites are interesting candidates for a range of applications, from solar cells to light emitting diodes and lasers. For the latter applications... -
Magnetic structure of pyrochlore irridate Y2Ir2O7
We propose to study by powder neutron diffraction the ordered magnetic state of the pyrochlore compound Y2Ir2O7. There is currently an increasing interest in the condensed... -
Strain analysis of commensurate charge order/zener polaron ordering transitio...
High resolution powder diffraction data will be used to obtain lattice parameter and atomic coordinate variations as a function of temperature for Pr0.6Ca0.4MnO3, which has a... -
A Self-consistent Description of the Thermoelastic Properties of Dielectric P...
20 years ago, Anderson proposed that the thermoelastic properties of the dominant (mantle) phase within the Earth, MgSiO3 perovskite, could be described as a simple Debye solid.... -
Magnetic structure of heavily Fermion TbxYb1-xAgGe
YbAgGe has an enhanced electronic specific heat coefficient and two magnetic phase transitions at TM1=0.8K and TM2=0.65K. We have grown a series of TbxYb1-xAgGe and YbAgGe... -
Multiferroic (Ferroelastic/Magnetic) Phase Transitions in KMnF3
KMnF3 perovskite undergoes 3 structural, and two magnetic phase transitions on cooling from 300 K to 2 K. Above 185 K the compound is in the aristotype structure, on cooling...