Italian LMF Apertium Dictionary
- This is the LMF version of the Apertium Italian dictionary. Monolingual dictionary for Italian was generated from the Apertium expanded lexicon of the es-it. Apertium is a... -
PANACEA Spanish automatically acquired lexicon for ENV domain: Subcategorizat...
This is a domain-specific lexicon for Spanish subcategorization frames for environment (ENV) domain. This lexicon has been automatically created using the PANACEA web service... -
PANACEA Environment and Parole merged Italian Lexicon
The Italian PAROLE_env_merged.lmf.xml is SCF lexicon obtained by merging two automatically extracted lexicons: a domain lexicon (environment) PANACEA_SCF_IT_environment.lmf.xml... -
Spanish LMF Parole Lexicon
- This is the LMF version of the Spanish Parole lexicon. The original PAROLE lexica (20,000 entries per language) were built conform to a model based on EAGLES guidelines and... -
PANACEA Italian V-SUBCAT Repubblica lexicon (language independent extractor)
This is a lexicon of verb subcategorisation frames automatically extracted from a 300Mio words newspaper corpus using a language independent SCF acquisition software. The... -
PANACEA Labour and Parole merged Italian Lexicon
The Italian PAROLE_lab_merged.lmf.xml is SCF lexicon obtained by merging two automatically extracted lexicons: a domain lexicon (labour) pANACEA_SCF_IT_labour.lmf.xml and a the... -
Spanish LMF Parole/Simple Lexicon
This is the LMF version of the Spanish Parole-Simple lexicon. The original PAROLE lexica (20,000 entries per language) were built conform to a model based on EAGLES guidelines... -
PANACEA English automatically acquired lexicon for LAB domain: Subcategorizat...
This is a domain-specific lexicon for English for labour (LAB) domain. This lexicon contain both, subcategorization frames for verbs and lexical semantic classes for nouns. This... -
PANACEA Italian V-SUBCAT gold-standard for ENV domain
- The PANACEA_SCF_Gold_ENV_IT is a manually created "gold-standard" lexicon of verbal subcategorisation frames for 26 verb lemmas. The language is Italian and the domain is... -
Galician LMF Apertium Dictionary
This is the LMF version of the Galician Apertium dictionary. Monolingual dictionaries for Spanish, Catalan, Galician and Euskera have been generated from the Apertium expanded... -
PANACEA Environment SCF MWE merged Italian Lexicon
- The Italian PANACEA_ENV_MWE_SCF_merged.lmf.xml lexicon is obtained by merging two automatically extracted lexicons: a domain lexicon (environment) for SCFs,... -
Catalan LMF Parole/Simple Lexicon
- This is the LMF version of the Catalan Parole-Simple lexicon. The original PAROLE lexica (20,000 entries per language) were built conform to a model based on EAGLES guidelines... -
PANACEA Labour SCF MWE merged Italian Lexicon
The Italian PANACEA_LAB_SCF_MWE_merged.lmf.xml lexicon is obtained by merging two automatically extracted lexicons: a domain lexicon (labour) for SCFs,... -
Basque LMF Apertium Dictionary
This is the LMF version of the Basque Apertium dictionary. Monolingual dictionaries for Spanish, Catalan, Gallego and Euskera have been generated from the Apertium expanded... -
PANACEA English automatically acquired lexicon for LAB domain: Subcategorizat...
This lexicon was produced using an inductive SCF classifier, the tpc_subcat_inductive webservice in the PANACEA project. The lexicon was automatically produced from the PANACEA... -
PANACEA Spanish automatically acquired lexicon for ENV domain: Subcategorizat...
This is a domain-specific lexicon for Spanish for environment (ENV) domain. This lexicon contain both, subcategorization frames for verbs and lexical semantic classes for nouns.... -
PANACEA English V-SUBCAT gold-standard for LAB domain
This is a domain-specific gold-standard for English subcategorization frames, in the case, for labour (LAB) domain. This gold-standard was manually developed, choosing a set of... -
PANACEA English Gold Standard for lexical semantic classification
We present a set of English gold-standards for different noun classes created in PANACEA to train and test automatic classifiers. To create these gold-standards we used we the... -
PANACEA Italian V-SUBCAT gold-standard for LAB domain
The PANACEA_SCF_Gold_LAB_IT is a manually created "gold-standard" lexicon of verbal subcategorisation frames for 27 verb lemmas. The language is Italian and the domain is Labour...