As part of the evaluation of the Federal programme on equal opportunities for women and men at the universities (2008-2011), a questionnaire on the subject of “Academic career,... -
Difficultés financières des femmes à Genève - 1990
The survey aims to identify the characteristics of poor women and to paint a picture of their situation. It focuses on socio-demographic characteristics, financial conditions... -
LIVES-Jobvul strives for a better understanding of labour market outcomes by surveying recruiters. Its aim is to provide data on the demand-side of the Swiss labour market,... -
Career Tracker Cohorts (CTC)
The SNSF Career Tracker Cohorts (CTC) study tracks the careers of applicants for the postdoctoral career funding schemes of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF). These... -
LIVES-Jobvul strives for a better understanding of labour market outcomes by surveying recruiters. Its aim is to provide data on the demand-side of the Swiss labour market,... -
Arguments des partisans et opposants de l'initiative Reynard "Lutter contre l...
Ce projet de recherche porte sur les arguments des partisans et opposants de l'initiative parlementaire de Mathias Reynard, intitulée "Lutter contre les discriminations basées... -
Befragung von Frauen zu ihrer Arbeitsbiographie unter besonderer Berücksichti...
The study investigated the position of women in the context of work, employment and family. The emphasis has been placed on biographical aspects such as education and training,... -
Difficultés financières des femmes à Genève - 1990
L'enquête vise à connaître les caractéristiques des femmes pauvres et à brosser un tableau de leur situation. Elle porte sur les caractéristiques socio-démographiques, les... -
Swiss PRETEST ISSP 2022 Family and Gender Roles
FORS conducted a pretest survey of the ISSP 2022 module on “Family and Changing Gender Roles V” from March 30 to April 15 as an online study in the French part of Switzerland.... -
Gender Publication Gap
Based on extensive empirical research we find that women do not behave differently concerning academic publications than often suggested in the literature. Once an economics... -
As part of the evaluation of the Federal programme on equal opportunities for women and men at the universities (2008-2011), a questionnaire on the subject of “Academic career,... -
MOSAiCH 2022. Measurement and Observation of Social Attitudes in Switzerland....
MOSAiCH is a cross-sectional survey that focuses on the Swiss population’s values and attitudes towards a wide range of social issues. The thematic focus of the 2022 edition... -
Pink Cross Survey: Community perceptions and relationships amongst gay, bi an...
The survey was carried out by the ZHAW, Department of Social Work (project manager: Peter Streckeisen), as a mandate by the Pink Cross Association. The latter is the largest... -
2021 Swiss-German Adult Survey: Exploring Decision-Making, Social Norms, Hosp...
This project is a joint effort between different member of the social psychology lab at the university of Zurich. Three separate questionnaires have been prepared in 2020, 2021,... -
2021 Swiss-German Adult Survey: Exploring Decision-Making, Social Norms, Hosp...
This project is a joint effort between different member of the social psychology lab at the university of Zurich. Three separate questionnaires have been prepared in 2020, 2021,... -
Valeurs dans la Suisse de 1988
Survey of the Swiss population on values concerning leisure, work, meaning and purpose of life, family, religion, media, education, army, politics. It is part of a series of... -
Befragung von Frauen und Männern zum Thema Gewalt gegen Frauen - 1991
Im Zentrum der Untersuchung standen die Themen Gewalttätigkeit, sexuelle Belästigung und Gewalt gegen Frauen. Es ging dabei um die Fragen, wie häufig und in welchen Situationen... -
Modèles normatifs de l'égalité et justifications des pratiques inégalitaires ...
The study aims to report on how individuals manage the gap between their representations of gender (in)equality and their current practices in this field. The analysis, based on... -
Enquête sur la violence contre les femmes en Suisse - 2003
L'intérêt porté au thème de la violence contre les femmes connaît une forte expansion depuis deux décennies. Au cours des années quatre-vingt-dix, et suite à des études sur le... -
Erfahrungen und Haltungen der Arbeitnehmendenorganisationen der Schweiz im Hi...
Der Evaluationsauftrag geht auf eine Motion der Nationalrätin Vreni Hubmann (02.3142) zurück. Hubmann verlangte, dass Rachekündigungen in privatrechtlichen Arbeitsverhältnissen...