Darmstadt Study (Vocational School)
Family and living conditions as well as conduct and attitudes of vocational students. Topics: area of business of job; living with parents; social origins; number of siblings... -
Youth, Education and Training
Information on choice of occupation and occupation learned. Judgement on education situation and future job possibilities. Topics: Positive or negative feelings on selected... -
Career Paths of Professors in Germany
Beruflicher Werdegang, Arbeitsalltag, Vereinbarkeit von Professur und Familie, Rolle der Frauen in der Wissenschaft. Themen: Wichtigste Gründe für die Entscheidung für eine... -
Learning Conditions and Student Orientations 2009/10
Fachstudium und Hochschulzugang, Ausbildungswahl und Studienerwartungen, Studium und Lehre, Lern- und Arbeitsverhalten, studentische Lebenssituation, Kontakte und Kommunikation,... -
Learning Conditions and Student Orientations 2012/13
The Student Survey is a trend study on the development of the study situation and student orientations at universities and universities of applied sciences in Germany. The aim...