E2F2 SLM built steel cube (upper cube corner, close surface)
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Cation ordered transtion metal oxides
LaCa2Fe2GaO8 adopts a 3-layer cation-ordered structure. Magnetisation data collected from this phase exhibit two high-temperature anomalies consistent with the onset of... -
Possible Spin-Pierls transition in double-perovskite Ca2InOsO6
Osmates in the perovskite-like structure are very topical. For example, recent discoveries include Slater transitions, and "ferroelectric-like" structural transitions. These... -
Structure and magnetic order in chemically modified schafarzikites
Schafarzikite minerals are structurally interesting in having 1-D chains of edge-linked transition metal octahedra. This experiment aims to determine the cause of the... -
Round Robin on TOF Texture Analysis
In view of advances in texture research at pulsed neutron sources, we propose that ISIS participates in a 'Texture Round Robin' to benchmark the existing texture analysis... -
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Why is CaLn2Ni2WO9 (Ln=La, Pr, Nd) not a relaxor ferromagnet?
La3Ni2SbO9 exhibits relaxor ferromagnetic behaviour in an analogous way to relaxor ferroelectrics. To investigate the effect of competing magnetic interactions and subtle... -
Oxfordshire Iron Ore Uffington
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Local Structure of TiNiSn-based thermoelectrics
We propose to study the local structure in two series of promising thermoelectric materials: Ti1-xZrxNiSn and TiNi1+ySn. Diffraction experiments on Ti1-xZrxNiSn reveal multiple... -
Order and disorder in (Mn,Fe)2(P,Si) magnetocaloric compounds
In the high-performance and low-cost (Mn,Fe)2(P,Si) magnetocaloric compounds, the detrimental hysteresis has been significantly reduced by balancing Mn:Fe and P:Si ratios, which... -
Investigation of Ho ordering and its role in magnetization compensation in ga...
The garnet system Ho3Fe5O12 (HIG), which is ferrimagnet below 567 K, shows magnetization compensation phenomenon at 138 K (Tcomp) and another magnetic transition around 55 K... -
Determining the Crystal and Magnetic Structures of [Li(oxalate)]2[Co5(OH)8]
Dense corrdination frameworks that contain inorganic centres connected into extended lattices by polyatomic anions often adopt highly anisotropic structures. Thus they often... -
Duplicate Of: QPA of iron ore B1
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Structural Phase Diagram of the new Multiferroic Hexagonal YbFeO3
This experiment aims to map out the structural phase diagram of the new multiferroic compound hexagonal-YbFeO3 as a function of temperature, both above and below room... -
Dy3Mg2Sb3O14 - a 2D Kagome lattice with Classical Ising Spins
Dy3Mg2Sb3O14 forms a layered structure with magnetic Dy3+ ions forming sheets of corner sharing triangles, called a Kagome lattice. The Ising magnetic moments are constrained to... -
Subtle magnetic phase transitions in multiferroic BiFeO3
This experiment seeks to probe the magnetic structure of multiferroic BiFeO3 and its evolution on lowering temperature, with the specific aim of identifying magneto-structural... -
Towards an accurate structural phase diagram for the novel BiScO3-PbTiO3 ferr...
The aim of this experiment is to determine accurately the crystal structures of phases in the (1-x)BiScO3-xPbTiO3 (BST-PT) perovskite phase diagram, particularly in the vicinity... -
investigation of the lithiation state of 100µm (disc with d=8mm) Sn/Ni on Cu ...
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Hydrogen Release Systems: MX2.(NH3)n (M=Mg, X=Cl) with LiH and MgH2
The applicants seek 3 days of beam time on POLARIS to study hydrogen release systems comprising M(NH3)6X2 (M=Mg, X=Cl) coupled with LiH and MgH. Mg(NH3)6Cl2 is an important... -
Structural Phase Transition with a Large Volume Change in (Bi,Nd)FeO3
BiFeO3 attracts considerable attention because of its multiferroic and ferroelectric properties. Nd-substitutions in antiferromagnetic BiFeO3 induce a significant ferromagnetic...