Muon spin relaxation study on new tetragonal compound Ce2PdGe3
Cerium-based Kondo lattice compounds have received considerable attention, owing largely to the variety of exotic ground states that they exhibit (e.g., unconventional... -
Copy of: Magnetic PDF of the new high capacity nanostructured Li4Mn2O5 disord...
We have elaborated a new nano-crystallized high capacity Li-Mn-O cathode material, exhibiting record reversible capacities larger than 355 mAh/g and good cyclabilities. RT... -
High resolution neutron diffraction studies of lanthanide zirconolites
The aim of this experiment is to determine high quality structural models for pyrochlore and zirconolite phases in the Y2Ti2-2xFexNbxO7 and Y2-xCexTi2-xFexO7 solid solutions,... -
Local Structure in (K,Na)NbO3 Piezoelectric Ceramics
KxNa1-xNbO3 (KNN)-based solid solutions are promising lead-free piezoelectrics for ceramic actuators. In this system, the long-range order of octahedral rotations and... -
In-situ Neutron Diffraction Studies of Lithium Battery Materials
This proposal seeks to test a new battery designed to allow in situ neutron diffraction measurements of lithium ion battery electrodes under charge and discharge. We have... -
Local structure in layered perovskite oxides - probing ion transport in fuel ...
Layered oxides are increasingly attractive as electrode materials in energy technology applications, such as fuel cells, electrolysers and permeation membranes. As the... -
Structural Studies of PbZr1-xTixO3: completing the puzzle in the tetragonal a...
We request 6 days of HRPD time in order to study the structures on the tetragonal side of the lead zirconate-titanate (PZT) phase diagram, a region that has so far been rather... -
Local structure of bulk and nanocrystalline Chromium
We plan to study the coupling between magnetic properties and local structure of polycrystalline and nanocrystalline chromium. Chromium undergoes a magnetic ordering transition... -
Local structure studies by PDF analysis of novel Li-rich double perovskites a...
Recently, our group has prepared a series of new double perovskite materials (Li1.5La1.5MO6, M=W6+, Te6+) which display interesting electrochemical behaviour for use in Li-ion... -
Investigating the reduction kinetics of high molecular weight metal oxides in...
There is a pressing worldwide need for research to develop specific sustainable spent fuel reprocessing technologies suitable for minimizing waste from next generation nuclear... -
PDF Studies of Li-rich Disordered Rock Salts as High Performance Cathode Mate...
To develop the next generation of high performance Li-ion rechargeable batteries we need to find new positive electrode materials with a greater capacity to store charge. It is... -
Spin dynamics in CP*-RE-COT
Single-Molecular Magnets (SMMs) provide access to the mesoscopic world. They possess slow magnetization relaxation due to an energy barrier induced by axial magnetic anisotropy,... -
In Search of Superionic Conductivity of Mg2+ Cations
The migration of cations with a charge greater than 1 has received very little attention historically, perhaps due to no commercially driven demand for the research as well as... -
Single-Crystal Neutron Diffraction Study on [U(C5Me5)2(H)(mu¿H)]2
To our knowledge, the length of the U¿H single bond has never been accurately measured, at least not in a molecular compound by single-crystal neutron diffraction. We currently... -
Ba3Mo1-xNb1+xO8.5-x/2 novel oxide ion conductor: Local structure and structur...
Oxide ion conductors are researched as potential electrolytes in solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs). Yttria-stabilized zirconia is currently the most commonly used electrolyte in... -
Ba7MoNb4O20: Local structure analysis of a novel hexagonal electrolyte
Solid-state electrolyte materials are crucial for applications involving electrochemical conversion and storage, as these devices become increasingly important in the transition... -
Determination of the relative magnitudes of static and dynamic displacements ...
The width of a peak in a pair distribution function (PDF) provides a measure of the variation in the distance between a pair of atoms. This results from a combination of thermal... -
Bi0.775Ln0.225O1.5 (Ln = La, Dy) Oxide Ion Conductors: Local Structure, Compl...
Bismuth(III) containing oxides display numerous interesting properties, such as ionic conductivity, ferroelectricity, nonlinear optical properties, catalytic activity and... -
Combined in situ PDF, NPD and conductivity study of BaD2
Barium hydride is a of interest due to its high hydride ion conductivity, which would make it suitable as an electrolyte materials in a variety of electrochemical devices and... -
Total scattering study of the II to I phase transition in pyridine
Atomistic characterisation of phase transitions in organic materials is important because of the role played by polymorphism in pharmaceuticals and agochemicals. Conventional...