Cerium-based Kondo lattice compounds have received considerable attention, owing largely to the variety of exotic ground states that they exhibit (e.g., unconventional superconductivity, heavy fermion behavior, quantum criticality, etc.). Ce2PdGe3 undergoes two antiferromagnetic phase transitions at 10.7 K and 9.6 K and a ferromagnetic ordering at 2.25 K. The ordered ground state emerges from a lattice of Ce ions that are hybridized with the conduction electrons, as revealed by the enhanced electronic coefficient of the specific heat 50 mJ/mol-Ce-K2. Electronic structure calculations suggest that there is a significant f-electron weight in the density of states near the Fermi energy and that the Fermi surface includes sheets with distinct nesting vectors. We therefore propose to carry out MUSR study on this compound using the EMU spectrometer.