321 datasets found

Keywords: apparent magnitude

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  • A census of the near-by Psc-Eri stellar stream

    Within a sphere of 400pc radius around the Sun, we search for members of the Pisces-Eridanus (Psc-Eri) stellar stream in the Gaia Data Release 2 DR2) data set. We compare basic...
  • Fornax3D. Planetary nebulae automated detection

    Extragalactic Planetary Nebulae (PNe) are detectable via relatively strong nebulous [OIII] emission, acting as direct probes into the local stellar population. Due to an...
  • Optically variable AGN in the VST/CDF-S

    Variability has proven to be a powerful tool to detect active galactic nuclei (AGN) in multi-epoch surveys. The new-generation facilities expected to become operational in the...
  • MASCARA-3b radial and light curves

    We report the discovery of MASCARA-3b, a hot Jupiter orbiting its bright (V=8.33) late F-type host every 5.55149+/-0.00001-days in an almost circular orbit...
  • Optically variable AGN in COSMOS field

    The analysis of the variability of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) at different wavelengths and the study of possible correlations among different spectral windows are nowadays a...
  • Gaia catalogue of hot subluminous stars

    Based on data from the ESA Gaia Data Release 2 (DR2) and several ground-based, multi-band photometry surveys we have compiled an all-sky catalogue of 39800 hot subluminous star...
  • Space photometry of the Be stars nu Pup

    Photometry of the bright Be star {nu} Puppis. The observations were obtained with the Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) and BRITE-Constellation satellites. Several closely but...
  • KiDS Survey for solar system objects mining

    The search for minor bodies in the Solar System promises insights into its formation history. Wide imaging surveys offer the opportunity to serendipitously discover and identify...
  • GRB 120327A afterglow colour variations

    We present a comprehensive temporal and spectral analysis of the long Swift GRB120327A afterglow data to investigate the possible causes of the observed early time colour...
  • Catalog of hot subdwarf stars

    In preparation for the upcoming all-sky data releases of the Gaia mission we compiled a catalog of known hot subdwarf stars and candidates drawn from the literature and yet...
  • Probing the dynamical of Abell S1101

    The galaxy cluster Abell S1101 (S1101 hereafter) deviates significantly from the X-ray luminosity versus velocity dispersion relation (L-sigma) of galaxy clusters in our...
  • Properties of galactic PNe central stars

    We have obtained multi-wavelength observations of compact Galactic planetary nebulae (PNe) to probe post-asymptotic giant branch (AGB) evolution from the onset of nebular...
  • BlackCAT, stellar-mass BH in X-ray trans.

    During the last ~50 years, the population of black hole candidates in X-ray binaries has increased considerably, with 59 Galactic objects being detected in transient low-mass...
  • Long term R and V band monitoring of AGN

    The Gaia astrometric mission of the European Space Agency was launched on December 2013. It will provide a catalog of 500 000 quasars. Some of these targets will be chosen to...
  • Herschel-VVDS-CFHTLS-D1 detections

    We investigate of the properties of ~2000 Herschel/SPIRE far-infrared-selected galaxies from 0<z<4 in the CFHTLS-D1 field. Using a combination of extensive spectroscopy...
  • Times of maximum light of Blazhko RRab stars

    Period study of 321 fundamental mode RR Lyrae type stars (RRab), which had appropriate data in ASAS and SuperWASP surveys, was performed to complement and extend the list of...
  • WASP-4b Ks-band detection of thermal emission

    Secondary eclipses are a powerful tool to measure directly the thermal emission from extrasolar planets, and to constrain their type and physical parameters. We started a...
  • MOA-2007-BLG-387Lb light curve I band

    We report the discovery of a planet with a high planet-to-star mass ratio in the microlensing event MOA-2009-BLG-387, which exhibited pronounced deviations over a 12-day...
  • Galactic massive stars with AstraLux

    Massive stars have high-multiplicity fractions, and many of them have still undetected components, thus hampering the study of their properties. I study a sample of massive...
  • Ages & luminosities of young SMC/LMC star clusters

    In this paper we discuss the age and spatial distribution of young (age<1Gyr) SMC and LMC clusters using data from the Magellanic Cloud Photometric Surveys. Luminosities are...
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