Stable C and N isotope data for cetacea collected in the Macaronesian region ...
This dataset provides the values of stable carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes in bulk muscle samples of 11 species of cetacea from the Macaronesian regions (Canary, Madeira,... -
Review of global zooplankton biomass in the bathypelagic zone
We reviewed 274 profiles of zooplankton biomass smaller than 5 mm when this information was available but always excluding macrozooplankton and micronekton. Due to the different... -
Characteristics of Centrolophus niger collected south of Iceland in July 2017...
This data set has biological measurements and stomach content analysis for fourteen specimens of Centrolophus niger which were frozen whole at sea during the Icelandic part of... -
Stream monitoring data from the citizen science project FLOW, 2021 - 2023
This dataset contains the results of the citizen science stream monitoring project FLOW (www.flow-projekt.de), which aims to complement official freshwater monitoring programs... -
Element abundances of human hair from the United States
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Spatial, monthly, and interannual distribution patterns of the non-indigenous...
A globally distributed aquatic non-indigenous species is the hydrozoan Craspedacusta sowerbii. The species' northern distribution boundary in North America is situated in... -
Israeli Mediterranean vermetid reef biodiversity monitoring data
Data presented are percent cover or count averages of 15 quadrats randomly placed along a 50 meter transect placed parallel to the shoreline at one of four intertidal zones at... -
SSU+ITS rRNA gene sequences, and associated metadata, of the larger benthic f...
The larger benthic foraminifera species Amphistegina lobifera has been successfully invading the Mediterranean Sea, despite different temperature regimes from their original... -
Surface Carbonate Chemistry of the Red Sea (offshore and coastal)
The Tara Oceans Expedition (2009-2013) was a global survey of ocean ecosystems aboard the Sailing Vessel Tara. It carried out extensive measurements of evironmental conditions... -
Positions and characteristics of tracer particles in the Ain River channel (2...
This dataset describes 344 PIT-tagged particles recovered during the field survey in September-October 2017 in the Ain River channel. -
Positions and characteristics of tracer particles in the Ain River channel (2...
This dataset describes 473 PIT-tagged particles recovered during the field survey in July 2015 in the Ain River channel, including the positions of inferred tracers, i.e.... -
Positions and characteristics of tracer particles in the Ain River channel (2...
This dataset describes 321 PIT-tagged particles recovered during the field survey in September 2014 in the Ain River channel, including the positions of inferred tracers, i.e.... -
Positions and characteristics of tracer particles in the Ain River channel (2...
1063 tracer particles were equipped with radio-frequency Passive Integrated Transponders (PIT tags) and released in the Ain River channel in November 2013. We deposited ten... -
Sediment trap Florisphaera profunda and monthly ocean primary productivity
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Collection information about blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) sampled along the ...
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Records of distribution of deep-sea lithistids (Porifera, Heteroscleromorpha)...
Records of distribution of deep-sea lithistids (Porifera, Heteroscleromorpha) of the Azores archipelago -
Diet composition of the Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus L.) collected ...
This dataset presents the diet composition of tuna during autumn migrations to the Iceland Basin south of the continental shelf for the year 1998 and 1999 (area Va and XII... -
Reverse ice flow calculations based on vector field ice flow data
Projection: EPSG:3031Reverse flow based on vector field ice flow data by: Rignot, E et al. (2017) -
Compilation of diet proportions of mesopelagic fish from the central and Nort...
Quantitative data on diet composition is key to understand prey–predator interactions and to parameterize ecosystem models. We compiled estimates of diet proportions from 26... -
Strontium isotope ratios (87Sr/86Sr) of human hair from the United States
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