Vattenkemidata från sjön Erken, 1989-2015
Water chemistry data from Erken from 1989 till 2015. The dataset also include data for the publication: Yang, Y., Pettersson, K. & Padisák, J. Hydrobiologia (2016)... -
Lomonosov Ridge off Greenland (LOMROG) - Meteorologiska och oceanografiska da...
This data set contains meteorological, oceanographic and ship data collected during the Danish-Swedish expedition Lomonosov Ridge off Greenland (LOMROG), which was an... -
Arctic Gakkel Vents (AGAVE) 2007 - Meteorologiska och oceanografiska data, sa...
AGAVE was a US-financed project where scientists explored life in the hydrothermal vents from the core of the Earth, which has been found at the Gakkel Ridge, a mountain ridge... -
Oden Arctic Technology Research Cruise (OATRC 2015) - Meteorologiska och ocea...
In September 2015, the research expedition Oden Arctic Technology Research Cruise (OATRC 2015) was carried out in the Arctic Ocean north of Svalbard with the Swedish icebreakers... -
Erkenlaboratoriet Monitoringprogrammet - Erken metadata
The Erken Laboratory is located at the south-east shore of the lake Erken 70 km north-east of Stockholm. The station has an extensive environmental monitoring program for Lake... -
Inlopps- och utloppskemiska analyser vid sjön Erken 2000-2011
Data from inlet and outlet chemical analyses at Lake Erken 2000-2016, colected by The Erken laboratory. Variables: pH/Conductivity/ Turbidity/ Alkalinity/ Absorbance/ particles/... -
Inlopps- och utloppskemiska analyser vid sjön Erken 2012-2016
Data from inlet and outlet chemical analyses at Lake Erken 2000-2016, colected by The Erken laboratory. Variables: pH/Conductivity/ Turbidity/ Alkalinity/ Absorbance/ particles/... -
Temperatur och syre vid sjön Erken, 1940-2015
Long-term monitoring measurements of temperature profile and oxygen in Lake Erken 1940-2015, colected by The Erken laboratory. The Erken laboratory is located by the shore of... -
Fytoplanktondata i sjön Erken, 1989-2011
Phytoplankton biomass data from Lake Erken 1989-2011 (species level). Weekly samples during ice-free period and monthly samples during ice-cover period. The Erken laboratory is... -
Calculating Essential Biodiversity Variables for species population abundance...
This data set contains the documentation of the BALTIC data set analysis as a part of the manuscript 'Building essential biodiversity variables (EBVs) of species distribution... -
Oden Southern Ocean 2009/10 - Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) Data Colle...
This data set contains conductivity, temperature and depth data collected during the American-Swedish expedition Oden Southern Ocean 2009/10, which was an international research... -
Expedition Arctic Ocean 2016 - Meteorologiska och oceanografiska data, samt s...
Arctic Ocean 2016 is a polar research expedition in collaboration with Canada with the two icebreakers Oden and Louis S. St-Laurent. The icebreaker Oden will depart from... -
Vegetation inventories from the study: Expansion of deciduous shrubs but not ...
The dataset contains results from vegetation inventories for 1995-2011 from four locations along the Swedish mountain range, for shrub heath and birch forest vegetation types.... -
Species distribution modelling data for Phellinus ferrugineofuscus
These data consist of citizen science observations of Phellinus ferrugineofuscus in Sweden and the associated environmental variables at each data point. The data include a... -
Arctic Ocean 2016 - Aerosol och meteorologiska data
This dataset contains data collected during the Canadian-Swedish expedition Arctic Ocean 2016. The research cruise took place August through September 2016, using the icebreaker... -
Arctic Ocean 2016 - Mikroplast i Arktiska oceanen
This dataset contains data collected during the Canadian-Swedish expedition Arctic Ocean 2016. The research cruise took place August through September 2016, using the icebreaker... -
Arctic Ocean 2016 - CTD-data från Sea-Bird
This dataset contains data collected during the Canadian-Swedish expedition Arctic Ocean 2016. The research cruise took place August through September 2016, using the icebreaker... -
Arctic Ocean 2016 - Kontinuerliga mätningar av kvicksilverarter i luften
This dataset contains data collected during the Canadian-Swedish expedition Arctic Ocean 2016. The research cruise took place August through September 2016, using the icebreaker... -
Arctic Ocean 2016 - Löst gasformigt elementärt kvicksilver i ytvatten
This dataset contains data collected during the Canadian-Swedish expedition Arctic Ocean 2016. The research cruise took place August through September 2016, using the icebreaker... -
Arctic Ocean 2016 - Isens tjocklek och kamerabilder
This dataset contains data collected during the Canadian-Swedish expedition Arctic Ocean 2016. The research cruise took place August through September 2016, using the icebreaker...