Arctic Ocean 2016 - Löst gasformigt elementärt kvicksilver i ytvatten


This dataset contains data collected during the Canadian-Swedish expedition Arctic Ocean 2016. The research cruise took place August through September 2016, using the icebreaker Oden. For ship data from the cruise, as well as graphics and files describing the route, see For descriptions of Work Packages and research conducted during the cruise, see the SWEDARCTIC Arctic Ocean 2016 Expedition Report: Additional information on the expedition, including links to publications, is available at Work Package: Heavy Metals Road Map Project Dissolved gaseous mercury was continously measured (with 5 min resolution) in surface seawater along the Arctic Ocean 2016 cruise track. The bow water system was used to pump seawater into the wetlab where the water was purged with clean air, releasing dissolved gaseous elemental mercury (DGM) into the outgoing air. An opposite flow extractor was used for the purging and a Tekran 2537A cold vapor atomic flourescence spectrometer was used for the detection of elemental mercury in the outgoing air. The data can be used to calculate the flux of elemental mercury from sea surfaces in the Arctic and to monitor the concentrations of mercury in the Arctic marine environment. Data include: Dissolved gaseous elemental mercury in surface seawater

Data insamlade under den svensk-kanadensiska expeditionen Arctic Ocean 2016, med forskningskryssningen Oden. För mer information se den engelska katalogsidan:

Metadata Access
Creator Gårdfeldt, Katarina
Publisher Swedish National Data Service; Svensk nationell datatjänst
Publication Year 2023
Rights Access to data through an external actor. Access to data is restricted.; Åtkomst till data via extern aktör. Tillgång till data är begränsad.
OpenAccess false
Discipline Chemistry; Natural Sciences
Spatial Coverage Arctic; Arktis