Saving and old-age provision in Germany (SAVE) 2003/04
Spar- und Finanzanlageverhalten privater Haushalte Themen: 1. Derzeitige Lebenssituation: Zufriedenheit mit der Gesundheit, der Arbeit, der Wohnung, dem Haushaltseinkommen und... -
Saving and old-age provision in Germany (SAVE) 2005
Spar- und Finanzanlageverhalten privater Haushalte. Themen: 1. Derzeitige Lebenssituation: Zufriedenheit mit der Gesundheit, der Arbeit, der Wohnung, dem Haushaltseinkommen und... -
Saving and old-age provision in Germany (SAVE) 2006
Spar- und Finanzanlageverhalten privater Haushalte. Themen: 1. Derzeitige Lebenssituation: Zufriedenheit mit der Gesundheit, der Arbeit, der Wohnung, dem Haushaltseinkommen und... -
The Economic Consequences of Separation and Divorce
Finanzielle Situation und Wohnsituation vor der Trennung. Lebenssituation, Erwerbssituation und wirtschaftliche Veränderungen zwischen Trennung und Scheidung.... -
Social Structure in Poland: POLPAN 1988
Description of the current state of social structure and its change during the post-communist transformation. Main topics of the study are: 1. Work and life situation 2.... -
Social Structure in Poland: POLPAN 1993
Description of the current state of social structure and its change during the post-communist transformation. Main topics of the study are: 1. Work and life situation 2. Hired... -
Social Structure in Poland: POLPAN 1998
Description of the current state of social structure and its change during the post-communist transformation. Main topics of the study are: 1. Employment 2. Self-employment and... -
Social Structure in Poland: POLPAN 2003
Description of the state of social structure and its change during the post-communist transformation. Main topics of the study are: 1. Employment 2. Self-employment and working... -
Living Condition Survey Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia 1999 (Individuals)
The study gives updated and policy-relevant information on living conditions in the three countries, with special focus on poverty and economic resources, housing and... -
Living Condition Survey Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia 1999 (Household roster)
The study gives updated and policy-relevant information on living conditions in the three countries, with special focus on housing and residential environment, the labour market... -
Living Condition Survey Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia 1999 (Household)
The study gives updated and policy-relevant information on living conditions in the three countries, with special focus on housing and residential environment, economic... -
Saving and old-age provision in Germany (SAVE) 2007
Spar- und Finanzanlageverhalten privater Haushalte. Themen: 1. Derzeitige Lebenssituation: Zufriedenheit mit der Gesundheit, der Arbeit, der Wohnung, dem Haushaltseinkommen und... -
Determinants and Indicators for the Integration and Segregation of the Foreig...
Lebens- und Arbeitssituation. Einstellungen zum Leben in Deutschland und zur politischen Partizipation. Familiale Lebensbedingungen und Einstellungen. Sozioökonomische Lage... -
Japanese General Social Survey 2006 (JGSS 2006)
Beschreibung der Situation in Familie, Alltag, Wohnung und Wohnumfeld. Geschlechterrolle. Gesundheit. Fremdsprachen und Ausländer. Bildung und Beruf. Politische Fragen. 1.... -
Old-Age Insurance in Germany 2003 (ASID ´03)
Lebens- und Wohnsituation. Detaillierte Angaben zur Einkommenssituation und Altersvorsorge. Themen: Einschätzung der persönlichen finanziellen Sicherung im Alter; größte... -
Saving and old-age provision in Germany (SAVE) 2008
Spar- und Finanzanlageverhalten privater Haushalte. Themen: 1. Derzeitige Lebenssituation: Zufriedenheit mit der Gesundheit, der Arbeit, der Wohnung, dem Haushaltseinkommen und... -
Eurobarometer 72.1 (Aug-Sep 2009)
Poverty and social exclusion, social services, climate change, and the national economic situation and statistics. Topics: 1. Poverty and social exclusion: own life... -
Flash Eurobarometer 216 (Public attitudes and perceptions in the euro area)
Attitude towards the EU and the euro. Topics: assessment of the own country’s membership in the EU as a good thing; having the euro is a good thing for the own country and for... -
Flash Eurobarometer 251 (Public attitudes and perceptions in the euro area)
Attitude towards the EU and the euro. Topics: assessment of the own country’s membership in the EU as a good thing; having the euro is a good thing for the own country and for... -
Housing in Tanzania (Household Data)
Housing conditions in rural areas of Tanzania. Issues: l.) Detailed demographic informations on household members and main income sources. 2.) Description of housing and...