Lemma list of the Beseda Corpus Lemmatisation Lexicon (ELEXIS)
Lematizacijski slovar (leksikon besednih oblik za Besedo). Beseda Corpus Lemmatisation Lexicon for Slovenian language was generated at the Fran Ramovš Institute of Slovenian... -
Swedish Academy Wordlist - SAOL (ELEXIS)
Svenska Akademiens ordlista. This is the standard wordlist for spelling and inflection for modern Swedish. Edition 14 (2015). -
Swedish Academy Dictionary - SAOB (ELEXIS)
Svenska Akademiens ordbok. The Swedish Academy Dictionary, a historical Dictionary. The first part published in 1883, and in 2019 Words up to and including "VÄVNAD" were... -
Lemma list of the Dictionary of the Danish Language - ODS (ELEXIS)
Ordbog over det Danske Sprog (ODS), lemma list. Contents and format: This list contains the headwords of the online version of ODS (and ODS-S) (ordnet.dk/ods). ODS describes the... -
Lemma list of the Dictionary of Contemporary Portuguese - DLPC (ELEXIS)
Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa Contemporânea (DLPC) is a monolingual Portuguese dictionary published by Academia das Ciências de Lisboa (2001). This dictionary also represents... -
Lemma list of the German Dictionary elexiko (ELEXIS)
elexiko is an online information system ("dictionary") on contemporary German language (mainly post World War II), which documents, explains and scientifically comments on the... -
Dictionary of Lesser Used Slovenian Words (ELEXIS)
Besedišče slovenskega jezika z oblikoslovnimi podatki (po gradivu za slovar sodobnega knjižnega jezika zbrane besede, ki niso bile sprejete v Slovar slovenskega knjižnega... -
Lemma list of the Danish Dictionary - DDO (ELEXIS)
Den Danske Ordbog (DDO), Lemma list. Contents and format: This list contains the headwords of the online version of DDO (ordnet.dk/ddo). DDO describes Danish lemmas from 1950... -
Lemma list of the SYN-series corpora (ELEXIS)
Lemma list derived from the representative synchronic written corpora of the SYN series. The format is quite straightforward, it is a simple tsv file with the columns in the... -
Croatian Language Resources for NooJ (ELEXIS)
Croatian Language Resources for NooJ is a set of files holding a list of Croatian words marked for POS, and depending on the POS with type, form, gender, category, case, number,... -
The structure of methanol in halloysite nanotubes
Understanding the structure of liquids in nanopores and at interfaces is extremely important in many natural and industrial processes. In this experiment, we will use the unique... -
Polaris Calibration - 2023 FY Cycles
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Polaris Calibration - 2023 FY Cycles
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Polaris Calibration - 2023 FY Cycles
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A pair distribution function study to determine the local structure of the ti...
BaTiO3 is the prototypical ferroelectic perovskite and has been well studied for over 60 years. The standard structural picture is that it is cubic and paraelectric at high... -
Structure of ethylammonium nitrate-water mixtures
We propose to explore the morphology of Ethylammonium Nitrate (EAN, a protic ionic liquid, PIL)-water mixtures. Both components are polar, protic compounds whose structure is... -
Kinetics of Benzene Hydrogenation Revisited in the Presence of Excess Liquid
Heterogeneous catalysis, where the reagents are either contained in a liquid medium, or are liquids in their own right, plays a significant part of the chemical industry. These... -
Membrane-stacking Properties of Mutant Myelin Proteins
Myelin is the multilamellar structure that ensheaths axons and accelerates nervous impulses in the nervous system. The fine structure of myelin remains to be further... -
NaCeOS II 616 (short) pos 5
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Interaction of sugars and a model peptide
We propose to perform a NDIS experiments at the SANDALS diffractometer at T = 300 K on 7 aqueous solutions of NMA and trehalose and NMA and glucose, aimed at investigating the...