Climate associations of planktic foraminifera of sediment cores GC-01A from G...
For planktonic foraminifera counts, 9–12 cc of 68 bulk sub-samples were wet-weighed, freeze-dried, and re-weighed, then ultra-sonicated in a water bath, washed and sieved with... -
Climate associations of planktic foraminifera of sediment core MVSEIS08_TG-2 ...
For planktonic foraminifera counts, 9–12 cc of 68 bulk sub-samples were wet-weighed, freeze-dried, and re-weighed, then ultra-sonicated in a water bath, washed and sieved with... -
(Table 5) Extract yields and relative abundance of compound classes of sample...
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Composition of particulate lipids in the intermediate zone between the Kara a...
Chemical group composition of particulate lipids from the intermediate zone between the Kara and Laptev Seas is studied by thin-layer chromatography with flame ionization... -
Lipid composition of particulate matter measured on water bottle samples duri...
The lipid composition of particulate matter in oceanic environments can provide informations on the nature and origin of the organic matter as well as on their transformation... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and growth, net photosynthesis, pigments, stable...
Increased plant biomass is observed in terrestrial systems due to rising levels of atmospheric CO2, but responses of marine macroalgae to CO2 enrichment are unclear. The 200%... -
Taxonomic diversity of Blood Falls and proglacial West lobe Lake Bonney
Determine the microbiome of the end member brine from the subglacial aquifer at the source of Blood Falls by comparing with surface samples. Additionally compare with samples... -
(Table 2) Relative distribution of polar head groups in bacterial IPL and obs...
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(Table 3) Concentrations of lipid carbon, total organic carbon, and calcium c...
0 = not determined; <1 = traces. -
(Table 2) Lipids in particulate matter collected by filtration
0 = not determined; <1 = traces. -
(Table 1) Lipids in particulate matter collected by a separator
0 = not determined; <1 = traces. -
(Table 2) Geochemical parameters of lipids from bottom sediments of the Lower...
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(Table 1) Geochemical parameters of lipids from bottom sediments of the Danub...
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(Table 7.2b) Contents and composition of lipids in upper layer bottom sedimen...
This dataset has no description
(Table 7.2a) Contents and composition of lipids in suspended matter of the so...
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Composition of free lipids in bottom sediments in the tropical West Pacific a...
Contents of free lipids in the upper layers of slightly siliceous diatomaceous oozes from the South Atlantic and of calcareous foraminiferal oozes, of coral sediments and of red... -
(Table 1) Composition of lipids in particulate matter and bottom sediments of...
Lipid contents in the upper layer of bottom sediments in the Baltic Sea range from 0.37 to 2.66 mg/g (1.2-25.8% Corg). It is shown that the main factors determining composition... -
Supporting data for: Late Quaternary dynamics of Arctic biota revealed by anc...
ALTERNATIVE DOWNLOAD FROM FILESENDER To access the data, click "Read Full Description" [+] and then click here [Dataset abstract] This dataset contains the assembled genome... -
pH Responsive Polymer Blend Surfaces
Polymers, end-functionalised with carboxylic acid (COOH) groups do not normally segregate to film surfaces due to the high surface energy of these functionalities. However, we... -
The structure and orientation of the Bam complex in the Gram-negative outer m...
The proteins of the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria are critical for bacterialsurvival, from providing basic physiological functions, to aiding virulence and...