Replication Data for: Virtual fencing in remote boreal forests: performance o...
This dataset contains all the raw data sets, processing code, and analysis for reproducing and replicating the analysis for the article: Virtual fencing in remote boreal... -
Suomen kriisinhallintaosallistumisen vaikuttavuus Afganistanissa: haastattelu...
Aineisto koostuu kriisinhallinnan toimijoiden haastatteluista, joissa he kertovat Suomen kriisinhallintatoiminnasta Afganistaniin liittyvissä kansainvälisissä... -
Uporaba spletnih panelov v anketni metodologiji, 2016
Študija je sistematični pregled, katerega cilj je oceniti (i) značilnosti spletnih panelov, ki se uporabljajo v anketni metodologiji, (ii) kakovost teh spletnih panelov, (iii)... -
Local and regional developmental cores
Namen raziskave je proučiti razvojne potenciale, inovativne akterje in podporne institucije (kot so inkubatorji in tehnološki parki), kako se v neki regiji oblikujejo, kako med... -
Socialna opora dijakov Gimnazije Bežigrad (2001)
Dopolnjen MTMM merski model, ki sta ga zasnovala Saris in Andrews (1991), je bil uporabljen za ocenjevanje merske kakovosti štirih dimenzij socialne opore zato, ker lahko z njim... -
2027-11-13 - NIDA Wisdom Repository - CoreTrustSeal Requirements 2020-2022
CoreTrustSeal certification -
Grey Literature citations in the age of Digital Repositories and Open Access
Giannini S., Biagioni S., Goggi S., Pardelli G. Grey Literature citations in the age of Digital Repositories and Open Access. In: GL17 - Seventeenth International Conference on... -
EsCoLA - Spanish Corpus of Linguistic Acceptability
Acceptability is one of the General Language Understanding Evaluation Benchmark (GLUE) probing tasks proposed to assess the linguistic capabilities acquired by a deep-learning... -
Spanish-Aragonese LMF Apertium Bilingual dictionary
This is the LMF version of the Apertium bilingual dictionary for Spanish and Aragonese languages. Bilingual LMF dictionaries were generated from Apertium bilingual dix files.... -
English-Catalan LMF Apertium Bilingual dictionary
This is the LMF version of the Apertium bilingual dictionary for English and Catalan languages. Bilingual LMF dictionaries were generated from Apertium bilingual dix files. For... -
French LMF Apertium Dictionary
This is the LMF version of the Apertium French dictionary. Monolingual dictionary for French was generated from the Apertium expanded lexicon of the fr-es pair system... -
This lexical resource is the LMF version of the Termoteca, a multilingual terminological database based on the monolingual and parallel speciality texts collected in the corpora... -
Javascript library to create interactive heatmaps within webpages. jHeatmap is designed for incorporation into web portals and applications so it has the above listed extension... -
100 Cuentas de Instagram para aprender chino
En esta hoja de cálculo de Excel se encuentra una base de datos con 100 cuentas de Instagram para aprender chino etiquetadas según diferentes categorías de análisis. Parte de... -
The aim of SVGMap is helping in the visualisation of experimental data which are associated with some graphical representation. Thus SVGMap browser allows to generate images... -
Esperanto-Catalan LMF Apertium Bilingual dictionary
This is the LMF version of the Apertium bilingual dictionary for Esperanto and Catalanlanguages. Bilingual LMF dictionaries were generated from Apertium bilingual dix files. For... -
Willingness to pay for foods with microalgae proteins
This study evaluates consumers' willingness to pay for pasta with microalgae proteins and the impact of different front-of-pack labels, including Nutri-Score, organic, and vegan... -
PANACEA Environment Multi Word Italian Lexicon
The Environment MW Italian Lexicon is a lexicon of noun-noun multiword expressions automatically /nextracted from a 36Mio word web crawled corpus in the environmental domain.... -
PANACEA Environment and Repubblica merged Italian Lexicon
The Italian PANACEA_rep_env_merged.lmf.xml is SCF lexicon obtained by merging two automatically extracted lexicons: a domain lexicon (environment)for SCFs,... -
Basque-Spanish LMF Apertium Bilingual dictionary
This is the LMF version of the Apertium bilingual dictionary for Basque and Spanish languages. Bilingual LMF dictionaries were generated from Apertium bilingual dix files. For...