Effects of sediment load on buoyant mass and calcification of juvenile indivi...
The mass of horizontal and vertical downwards oriented juvenile Caryophyllia (Caryophyllia) huinayensis was determined during a 12-week sediment experiment. Corals were exposed... -
Skeletal growth rates of the cold-water coral Dendrophyllia cornigera for eac...
A 9-month aquarium experiment with the cold-water Dendrophyllia cornigera was conducted to investigate the single and combined effects of warming, acidification and... -
Raw data of shipboard ADCP current measurements (75 kHz) during RV Sarmiento ...
Raw current velocity data was acquired by a Dual RDI Ocean Surveyor 75 kHz (Broadband and Narrowband) Vessel Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (VADCP) onboard RV Sarmiento de... -
Shipboard ADCP current measurements (75 kHz) during RV Sarmiento de Gamboa cr...
Leg 1 of research expedition iMirabilis2 took place from 31st of July to the 30th of August 2021 (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria - Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) onboard RV Sarmiento... -
Raw data of physical oceanography during RV Sarmiento de Gamboa cruise iMirab...
Raw physical oceanography data was acquired by a ship-based Seabird Electronics SBE911plus CTD-Rosette system onboard RV Sarmiento de Gamboa during the research cruise... -
Physical oceanography during RV Sarmiento de Gamboa cruise iMirabilis2 in Cab...
Leg 1 of research expidition iMirabilis2 took place from 31st of July to the 30th of August 2021 (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria- Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) onboard RV Sarmiento de... -
Respiration rates of the cold-water coral Dendrophyllia cornigera from a long...
A 9-month aquarium experiment with the cold-water Dendrophyllia cornigera was conducted to investigate the single and combined effects of warming, acidification and... -
Skeletal growth rates of the cold-water coral Dendrophyllia cornigera from a ...
A 9-month aquarium experiment with the cold-water Dendrophyllia cornigera was conducted to investigate the single and combined effects of warming, acidification and... -
Water physico-chemical variables during a long-term multi-stressor aquarium e...
A 9-month aquarium experiment with the cold-water Dendrophyllia cornigera was conducted to investigate the single and combined effects of warming, acidification and... -
Water parameters registered over 24 hours by a Raspberry-based controller dur...
A 9-month aquarium experiment with the cold-water Dendrophyllia cornigera was conducted to investigate the single and combined effects of warming, acidification and... -
Carbonate chemistry of an aquaria setup during a multi-stressor experiment wi...
A 9-month aquarium experiment with the cold-water Dendrophyllia cornigera was conducted to investigate the single and combined effects of warming, acidification and... -
Prokariotic abundances during a multi-stressor aquaria experiment with the co...
A 9-month aquarium experiment with the cold-water Dendrophyllia cornigera was conducted to investigate the single and combined effects of warming, acidification and... -
Inorganic nutrient concentrations in seawater during a multi-stressor ex-situ...
A 9-month aquarium experiment with the cold-water Dendrophyllia cornigera was conducted to investigate the single and combined effects of warming, acidification and... -
Gene expression by the cold-water octocoral Dentomuricea aff. meteor during a...
We report the results of an aquaria-based experiment testing the effects of suspended particles generated during potential mining activities, on a common habitat-building coral... -
Stress biomarkers in the cold-water octocoral Dentomuricea aff. meteor during...
We report the results of an aquaria-based experiment testing the effects of suspended particles generated during potential mining activities, on a common habitat-building coral... -
Metabolic rates of the cold-water octocoral Dentomuricea aff. meteor during a...
We report the results of an aquaria-based experiment testing the effects of suspended particles generated during potential mining activities, on a common habitat-building coral... -
Metal bioaccumulation by the cold-water octocoral Dentomuricea aff. meteor du...
We report the results of an aquaria-based experiment testing the effects of suspended particles generated during potential mining activities, on a common habitat-building coral... -
Metal concentrations in seawater of an ex-situ experiment with the cold-water...
We report the results of an aquaria-based experiment testing the effects of suspended particles generated during potential mining activities, on a common habitat-building coral... -
Aquarium monitoring of an ex-situ experiment involving the cold-water octocor...
We report the results of an aquaria-based experiment testing the effects of suspended particles generated during potential mining activities, on a common habitat-building coral... -
Suspended sediment concentrations of an ex-situ experiment with the cold-wate...
We report the results of an aquaria-based experiment testing the effects of suspended particles generated during potential mining activities, on a common habitat-building coral...